PHASE 6: Found Out...Sort Of

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"So, Boss called earlier." Kayano spoke under her breath as we made our way to the school building.

My muscles immediately tensed but I willed myself to stay calm.

"What did he want?"

Kayano's gaze shifted over to me for a second before she stared ahead of herself again.

"Nothing much." I could tell she was hiding something by the tightness in her voice. "Just wanted to know if we were making progress."

"What did you say?"

"I told him we were, slowly, and he said to get the job done by the end of this month."

I took a step backwards, throwing off my balance for a moment and I had to readjust.

"Is he insane?!" I whispered once I began walking again. "He can't expect me to get that close to Karma, can he? He's out of his mind-"

"Nagisa!" Kayano shot me a warning look and I immediately shut up. "You know better than to say those things about The Boss. He has people everywhere. Besides, you know first hand what he would do to you if he caught you disobeying him."

My hands curled into fists at my sides.

"Good thing I'm his most trusted assassin, then."

Kayano sighed, giving her head a small shake of disapproval. "It doesn't matter. He'd tear apart anyone. He's already on edge from that one time, remember?"

"Don't remind me."

"I'm just saying. Even you need to be careful. And you need to be more focused on your mission." She chided me.

I rolled my eyes, giving a small salute. "Yes, ma'am. I promise to work solely on completeing my mission, and nothing else."

"What mission?"

My eyes widened at the voice that just whispered into my ear, and I tensed as an arm was draped over my shoulders.

I was about to bring up a fist when I saw red hair out of the corner of my eyes.

I felt heat rise up to my cheeks as Karma retracted his arm from me to hold his stomach, chuckling at my reaction.

"Got ya."

I willed the heat to disappear from my face as I turned my head away from the tall boy and quickly turned to walk around the school building with Kayano following behind me.

Karma's hand quickly caught my arm and in a flash I was being pulled into his chest.

I stumbled backwards and blinked a few times before quickly trying to scramble away from the red-head, but his grip on my wrist was too strong.

Well, obviously it wasn't strong enough for me to not break free-I am an assassin, you know. I train for this stuff-but I didn't want to blow my cover anymore than I already had.

"Where are you going?" Karma tilted his head to the side and I watched in a daze as his blood-red hair moved over his amber colored eyes, which were glinting in the sunlight.

When I realized what I was doing I mentally slapped my self and snapped out of it.

"Um, going around to the back doors?"

"Oh? How come?" The ghost of a smirk on his lips told me that he already knew the reason but I pretended not to notice.

"Because this school is full of idiots that bother our class and I don't have the energy to deal with them." I stated bluntly.

Hesitant Lies (Karma x Nagisa)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora