PHASE 2: Undercover

978 59 27

I huffed to myself, glaring at my reflection in the mirror.

What kind of outfit is this? I thought with clenched teeth.

"Wow, Nagisa, aren't you adorable?" Kayano giggled, seizing the opportunity to tease me.

"I look like a girl." I muttered, tugging at the dark blue vest that I was currently wearing.

Kayano giggled again and pinched my cheek. "You're the one who agreed to do this mission, ya know."

I sighed. "I know that, but why did they make you come with? You're annoying."

Kayano rolled her eyes. "Well, aren't you the charmer." She walked to the other side of the room, grabbing a black shoulder back and tossing it to me.

I caught it as she continued to speak. "I came with you because this isn't a job you should do alone."

"But I do this all the time by myself!"

Kayano sighed as she looked up from slipping on her flats. "Stop being so grumpy, Nagisa. It's too late to back out now, and with that attitude you'll never get close to our target's kid."

I bit my tongue from responding, knowing full well that she was right.


"No no no! That won't do!" Kayano walked over to me and brought her hands up to my face, attempting to force me to smile.

"Kayano, let's go." I desperately tried shoving her hands away, but to no avail.

"C'mon, Nagisa! You need to smile and make a good impression on your peers!"

"I don't like you."

Kayano huffed. "Well, pretend like you do. You're so small that I doubt anyone would take that frown of yours seriously anyway." She gave me a calm smile and turned around, heading for the door.

My jaw dropped open and I quickly started after her. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! Kayano!"



As soon as I stepped foot into the school building, I knew something was going to happen today.

I smirked to myself as I walked down the hall to first period-which I was already five minutes late for-and shoved my hands into my pockets.

I ignored my classmate's "secret" glances at me as I walked down cement stairs, and continued on to homeroom, which just happened to be in the basement.

Soon enough, I arrived at the door, not bothering to knock before noisily shoving the creaky door open and stepping inside.

You see, the group of kids in my homeroom-otherwise known as the Class 3-E-are deemed unimportant in a high school like this. All of the normal students neglect us, making fun or ignoring us like we're dirt on the bottom of their shoes.

But we usually don't let it get to us. Anyway, that's basically the reason for sticking our classes in the basement-which is always freezing, mind you.

Korosensei-our homeroom teacher-turned to me as I walked to the back of the classroom, heading to my normal seat.

"Ah, Karma, I see you've decided to join us."

I gave him a (not so innocent) smile in return, and he just grinned brightly.

"Well, no matter. It seems you're just in time."

Hesitant Lies (Karma x Nagisa)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora