PHASE 3: Be Your Character

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All the kids in this school were annoying the hell out of me. I mean, why do they think that just because they get fancier classes and more teachers that they can act like compete asshole's to those of us in class E?

If you ask me they need to be taught a lesson. But, as expected, Kayano would kill me before she'd let me go off on those brats.

Because it would quote in quote "Ruin my plans."

Pfft. Whatever. 

It wouldn't ruin my plans if they mysteriously showed up dead in a dumpster halfway across town....

What? I'm an assassin. I'm payed to think like this.

"Ne, Nagisa." Kayano nudged my arm and I turned my head to look at her.


She lifted her arm in front of me and pointed off to a closed off corner in the cafeteria, isolated from the rest of the school. There stood a cluster of about five tables, and I realized immediately that everyone gathered around them in their own little groups were all from Class E.

I felt anger boil up inside me but I quickly shoved it down.

Then I noticed that Kayano was pointing to a specific table, which happened to be the only  one that had one person-a taller boy with red hair-sitting at.

"C'mon!" Kayano grinned. "Let's go eat with him."

I sighed. "I'm good."

The green haired girl rolled her eyes before grabbing my arm-almost causing me to drop my tray-and pulling me along as she bounced up to the boy with a cheerful smile.

"Kayano!" I hissed, but she ignored me and shoved me forward, towards the boy, and making me bump into a chair. "Wha-" I yelped in surprise as my tray fell to the floor and I stumbled forward, tripping over it.

Just before I was about to catch myself, I felt warm hands on my shoulders-ones that I knew weren't Kayano's because her hands are always cold, like mine-and looked up.

My crystal blue eyes met the red hair boy's amber ones and he smirked while I found myself dumbfounded.

Damn, he has beautiful eyes.

Well, never thought I'd think anything like that.

The boy leaned forward, the smirk still plastered onto his face, and whispered into my ear. 

"Caught ya."

I suppressed a shiver from going down my spine and quickly scrambled backwards, annoyed by the way I could still feel the warmth of his hands on my shoulders even though they weren't there anymore.

What is this? I grumbled in my mind. Why do my cheeks feel so warm?

Unfortunately when I stepped back, I only succeeded in stepping into my already ruined food, sliding backwards and landing on my back on the white tiled flooring.

I heard a small chuckle from the boy-which I refuse to believe was possible to sound that heavenly-and an extremely loud giggle from Kayano.

I looked up with a slight grimace, my palms were the only things keeping me from hitting my head against the floor.

"Jeez, Nagisa!" She was laughing so hard that she was clutching her stomach. "For an assassin, you'd think you would be able to navigate around a high school cafeteria!"

I froze, giving her a pointed look.

The boy's smirk/grin vanished into a slight frown and he gave Kayano a questioning look.

Kayano, thankfully, had already realized her mistake and immediately went to correct it.

Now I'm kind of glad that I had her with me because she can come up with any lie and make it very convincing without giving anyone a chance to notice her slip ups.

Kayano glanced at the boy's serious expression and her grin widened.

She leaned forward with a-dare I say-cute giggle, not sounding at all forced, and lightly slapped his arm.

"Lighten up!" She exclaimed merrily. "It's only an expression. Nagisa and I have been using it ever since we were kids!"

I fixed the look on my face to a small smile right before the boy looked over at me, raising his left eyebrow.

Playing into my character, I gave a sheepish laugh and glanced away. A bit of heat returned to my cheeks and I cursed it, still unsure of what it meant.

"Yeah...thanks for catching me..." I eased into my act, glancing up at the boy briefly before looking back down.

That's when I saw a hand in front of me.

My eyes widened a bit and I looked up to see the red haired boy was holding out his hand to help me up, his body turned slightly away from me and his right hand in his pocket. A small smirk/grin-I couldn't even tell what it was-on his lips.

I told the heat in my cheeks to back off as I hesitantly raised a hand and grabbed the boy's.

He pulled me up with a little too much force, causing me to almost fall onto him again, but I managed to stop with our faces only a mere few inches apart.

He met my eyes and the corner of his lips quirked upward as he pulled his hand back, shoving that one into his pocket as well.

He tilted his head so a red lock of hair fell just before his left eye. "I'm Karma Akabane. Nice to meet you, Nagisa Shiota."

My eyes widened for a split second and I was unable to stop myself.


So this was the boy I needed to get close to?

Oh, hell no.


"Shit." I grumbled to myself, running a hand through my hair. 

Kayano rolled her eyes, sitting down on the bus next to me. We were both heading to the apartments Boss was renting out for us, which just happened to be extremely close to each other.

By extremely close I mean a block away but whatever.

Right now, I was extremely angry at myself.

"Come on, Nagisa!" She nudged my arm. "It wasn't that bad."

I sighed. "Easy for you to say. You still go to school regularly. I haven't been in school for three years!"

A man in his thirties turned around to give me a weird look and I flipped him off with a glare. His eyes widened and he quickly turned back around in his seat.

"Why didn't you tell me that boy was our target?" I hissed at her, and she giggled mischeviously.

"I wanted you to figure it out for yourself. Besides, you seemed to have made a good impression on him, so don't worry about it."

"Don't worry about it? How can I not?!" I shook my head. "I'm a idiot. I was being so clumsy, and I don't even know why! He surely wont want to talk to me now that he thinks I'm that stupid."

"Nagisa, you're overthinking things again." Kayano frowned. "Trust me, you'll be able to get close to him. I know you will."

I grunted. "Whatever."

'All I have to do is pretend to get close to him as quickly as possible...for now at least. Kayano's right, right now that's all I should be focused on doing.'

But for some reason, I just couldn't rid myself of the heat that kept threatening to rise to my cheeks.

A/N~ Helloo! I hope you liked this chapter! :P


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