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I drew this a couple of weeks ago
Sowwy if it looks like crap

And yes I did do it in the dark :P
Dun judge me!

Magenta: Amusement, happy
Amber orange: Concern
Dark blue: Worry, fear
Electric yellow: Shock/Excitement
Emerald green: Neutral, Calm
Red: Anger (duh)
Pale white: Being controlled
Purple/Violet: Uncomfortable, bothered
Brown: Disgusted
Black: Emotionless, senseless
Dark grey/gray: Sympathy
Dark forest green: Hurt, in pain, or feels others' pain
Light blue: crying, emotional
Maroon/brown and red: bloodthirsty, completely insane
Light grey/gray: infected, poisoned, or senses poison or infection
Pink: Embarrassed or feels someone else's embarrassment

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