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This chapter is dedicated to TheInnocentRebel because they are a beautiful human being and because of the feed back and support they've given me. So you should go follow them!!
I think everyone, before they are even thought of, has already had their future paved out for them. Their personality, intelligence, social status, struggles, talents etc. That's what I think fate is. I really hate stories that talk about the main character meeting their "soul-mate", though. I don't know why, but the name has always bothered me. Whether it be because many people die just as single as they were when they were born, or go through people like I go through mint chocolate chip ice cream, I don't really know, I just don't like it. So when I walked into drama class and saw Romeo and Juliet I was ready to turn around and run to the office to change classes. I really just took this one as an elective and I thought I could finally stay behind the scenes. I am a terrible actress.

Unfortunately, my fate was not working with my desire.

Because the moment I walked into the classroom, everyone turned to look at me. It was like that horrible moment in middle school when Melissa Aeringer started her period and didn't realize it, and walked into class with a huge blood stain.

A cold trickle of sweat ran down my spine. It made me nauseated to have this much attention. Who would have thought that the girl who always has attention on her would have social anxiety. Ironic right?

Thankfully there was one person who understood the grimace that was hidden behind the vacant look on my face. Tiffany, being the amazing friend she was, started to fake that she choked on her saliva and finally everyone's eyes left me. That most certainly did not me I was okay though. My heart was pounding, my blood rushing in my ears was all I could hear. My fingers were shaking and the room felt way to hot and confined, and so I did the only thing I knew how to do in this situation.

I ran.

I ran as fast as I could down the hallway to the closet that was always unlocked and I knew was safe from students doing "things" because it was right beside a classroom. It was cold, it was quiet, it was dark, and it was familiar. I shut the door and locked it as quickly as possible, sitting down on the floor hugging my knees to my chest. The smell of industrial sized bottles of pine-sol still not enough to comfort me, as I was engulfed by the space.

My thoughts were spinning around me in circles, flashing everything that just happened around me, along with every other time this had happened.

I followed everything my therapist told me too, moving my body up, and down with every breath in, and out. Holding my body tightly. Being secluded. It still wasn't working, and the fact that it wasn't working made me panic even more. My eyes burned with the tears that were pouring out of them, sobs being choked out in waves.

I hated this. I just wanted to be able to control myself, that was the scariest part. I knew and believed that I had absolutely no control over this situation. It wasn't a math problem that I could work out, or a sentence that I could form. This was complete and utter chaos or panic.

I heard the bell ring, signaling that the class was out and that the students had exactly seven minutes and thirty-seven seconds to get to class.

Not that I had timed it.

I heard the pounding of the footsteps, and the voices, and the laughter, and I covered my ears just begging for some solitude.

The next bell rang and then it got quieter again, a few voices of the kids who were straggling behind.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. Finally it was quiet and me focusing on the what was going on outside the door had helped me calm down. I was still crying, the reason why was beyond me, but I was panicking.

I could still feel the emotions sitting in a ball in my chest. I just wished that one person would listen to me. Actually listen. I wished for this so badly that my chest ached.

At that exact moment my luck was actually good.

My fate even.

There was a voice outside the door. A voice that was slightly unsure of itself, but quietly and calmly the spoke.

"Hey... Esther, it's me... the boy from yesterday. I asked where you were and your friend... err Tiffany yeah... she told me you would be in here. Uh... I know we don't really know each other-"

And before he could finish his rambling, partly because I needed someone in there with me, and partly because he just felt like someone safe, I slowly-with my head down- unlocked and opened the door and let him in.

As soon as the door was shut I pulled him to me and clutched onto him, hugging him to me and sobbing into his chest. At first he stumbled a little, because my actions took him by surprise, but then he slowly wrapped his arms around me. Gently he hugged me, like I might break if he wasn't too careful, and soothingly stroked my back and he whispered things like "shhh" and "it's going to be alright".

We stood like that until shortly after the lunch bell rang, in the dark, pine-sol scented closet. After a while I had calmed down and after I had somewhat cleaned myself up, I looked at him in the eyes and said:

"Thank you Enoch, you have no idea what this means to me."

Of course I had looked him up in the year book.

The look, almost of disbelief and adoration, after he realized I knew what his name was, was even better than him comforting me.

But the words he spoke broke my heart even more than the look in his eyes the day before.

"No, you don't know what that means to me."

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