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Aren't oceans kind of like our thoughts? Always moving, in and out, back and forth. Sometime choppy and stormy, or angry even. Sometimes peaceful, happy even. I feel as if my thoughts are always the former, angry, rough, and moving to quickly for me to keep up. Reading was how I kept up, but that's only a temporary escape, and afterwards my thought move even more quickly.

I wonder if-
Suddenly I'm knocked out of my constant tumbling thoughts when Tiffany harshly pokes me with her hot pink acrylic nail.

"Esther! Are you even listening to me? I mean I know you are always lost in that smart head of yours, but please I'm giving you important information!"

"Yeah, sorry, sorry, I was up super late last night reading this new book I got, and now, I'm regretting that decision."

Little did she know there was no new book, just me not sleeping, again.

"You know for how smart you are, you've been regretting the decision of staying up to late a lot here lately. How about you try putting that pretty little brain of yours to work. I know we are Seniors, but what do you think your Mom and Dad would say if they found out that their genius-"

Literally saved by the bell I turn abruptly from my locker with the tears welling up in my eyes and mutter that I have to get to class to Tiffany.

I know she means well, but she doesn't understand, no one does, how much I hate that word. It has a beautiful ring to it at the beginning, but now it will be the thing that kills me.

With my head ducked I hurry to class hoping no one notices the tears threatening to spill from my eyes, but just my luck, Esther Flynn can never go unnoticed, and a I run into a boy, in the door of my dual-credit English literature class.

"Oh my goodness! I am so incredibly-"

I seriously cannot finish a sentence today.

"I-it's okay. Um-err-are...you okay?"

I, Esther Flynn, stood there speechless, how had I never seen this kid? He was the male version of absolutely beautiful, and still heart breaking. The look in his eyes tore me apart. It was like he was longing for something. I just couldn't put my finger on what that thing was.

Once I had collected myself, I spoke up.

"Yeah, never been better, one of the girls just sprayed some perfume and accidentally got it into my eyes..."

I trailed off like the horrible liar I was. That was a terrible excuse.

The boy, who I realized I still didn't know the name of squinted his eyes skeptically, as the teacher cleared her throat, which meant class was starting, and we both found our seats.

"Please open your books to page 153-"

Well, there goes this being my favorite class of the day. I still don't remember a single thing that teacher said.
<Enoch's POV>

Today was going terribly. Our electricity had been turned off, which my parents failed to mention to me, so my alarm clock didn't go off, but somehow I miraculously was able to make it to school on time. That was about the only good thing so far though, because right as I braced myself to enter my English literature class, none other than Esther Flynn ran smack into me.

"Oh my goodness I am so incredibly-"

Before she could finish saying the word I hated most in life I interrupted her, and immediately wanted to disappear because of my stuttering. How can a human being be so popular, innocent, smart, kind, and beautiful?

"I-it's okay. Um-were-are you okay?"

Now typically I would have just told someone it was alright, but I noticed her red puffy eyes and the brokenness that was seated behind her big brown irises.

She seemed to be stunned, staring almost into my soul, making me slightly more uncomfortable. Almost as soon as her vulnerability appeared she built a brick wall back up in front of it and gave a measly excuse of getting perfume in her eyes. I squinted, and prepared to voice my skepticism, right as the teacher cleared her throat, which was our cue to sit down.

I am never going to be able focus now. And as soon as I thought today couldn't get worse, I realized I never even went in the kitchen today which means I didn't eat, or take my medicine. Just great.


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