The Show room

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The new secretary who was bestowed for being extremely charming bust and blue eyes. She actually was spell bounded by the angelic face. She was well educated and appropriate for the post. She was appointed but she couldn't keep herself away from him. It was not that he didn't warn her, He never wanted any serious relationships. Molly accepted, dying to get some of him. He never says no to people in need, and she was in dire need. 

"Oh darling you are so great." She was still feeling dizziness.
He smiled, "Thanks, but it is 8:45 and I want the files of time cards of workers on my table till 9:00 am."
"But Areeb. I am feeling so.."
He looked with his "Areeb's ironic look."

"This is my office, and clock doesn't know feelings. Besides I have mentioned already, it was what your choice and I got time so, now dear you better hurry to your desk."
He smiled to her, leaving her with her lost feelings in the office.

"Molly, you are a beautiful girl, by the way." He came back and kissed on her cheeks so that she can hold herself.

Some one knocked on the office door. She was his assistant so nobody will think anything wrong. She assumed and confidently put on her poker face.
"Come in."
She was doing her best to put a brave smile on her face that ended up only half way to her cheeks. "It is okay she slanted to pick the file from the table to check her fake smile.

"Good morning, Ms. Molly" Red headed straight postured, Richard Rollick entered in the room to be a part of drama.
The nerd black glasses on his white porcelain skin were highlighted as the sign for other person to infer term "nerd".
To her his skin was breathing ice, when she was already out of normal degrees. Somehow the characters on the stage were performing well the game of thrones for vitality of their hidden truths. The outlook of the office was extremely normal, peaceful, curtains down, cold except that tingling smell that always occupies your majesty's office as there was some funny smelled paint was painted on walls. The painting of zigzag black and white pattern was as mystical as the smell that prevailed, no matter it is Sunday, or Saturday, even room sprays were unable to beat that.

"Why does this room, smell so warm, when it is so cold?" Richard placed the coffee cup on the table.
Molly paced outside; she can pretend that she didn't hear him. "After all he is just a nerd." She shrugged her hair and moved to her cabin to get the file done, that Mr. Corporate Rock and Roll asked. Why he did that to me. I am not dying to do that. She sat there and opened the computer, started working. She completed the work and she looked at others, people were going for lunch break and her eyes caught. A lady with black business dress entered the office and every single move of that was "I am the boss."
The lady was followed by some gentle men and she was accompanied by an old man who was telling her something and she was listening to him with any expression as she is a lady terminator. "Who is she?"

The meeting room got opened for the troop of expression less people. It appeared as the room has eaten the aliens.
He was there again on her side. "Ms. Molly. I... I .."
"Richard" She shouted in her mind. She looked up at him, looking less predator as she was feeling.
""Ms. Molly, Mr, Areeb may be asking for the file, that you were working on." He had the most innocent and nerdy smile, like he could have won the price of being coolest smile, in nerd's valley.
"Yeah I was about to, but I am the assistant. Why on earth did you come to me.?"
"Actually...errr... Ms Molly, he is busy in the meeting. You are supposed to go there."

"Okay. Thanks for recalling."
"My pleasure."
she saw from her eyes' corners, he was blushing.
"Please take a side Richard." She spited her words. She got up like she is about to pounce on him, and scratch his face with her long nails.
His spines felt current passing and he felt his head hitting the floor, and the blushing was replaced with shock. Richard heart fluttered like birds wings. Why everyone judge people by their appearance. You wear black three piece suit you are, corporate race. You wear a pair of glasses you are, nerd. You have costly purse, you are glamorous, you got a tattoo, and you are a rebel. Why can't people see, the man wearing three piece suits could be a haughty boss. Costly purse might have come from shop lift. The tattoo was made in the memory of someone lost with pages of life and it reminds love. Big car might be bought with unfair means. Why can't people see this? Why everything shiny and beautiful is praised? When everything that shines is not gold, then why every people believe on things that appear so obvious might be unreal. The fragile image prevails but the core remains unnoticed, ignored.

She was hitting her heels on the floor, white tiles were protesting under her angry heels. She stopped in front of the strong, wooden door of the meeting room. She was supposed to deliver the file. That swag bearing stag must be passing his flirt looks to that corporate Barbie doll. She was looking so dark, a living Mystique, more appropriate
"the woman in black"

She knocked and rested her body on her right heel, a second later the "please come in" was heard.
She corrected her posture and pushed the door inside. The wooden door opened with ease, like it knew that she would come, she wanted to get in, and she felt the tingling fragrance that was escaping the office, the fragrance felt troubled, inside brain eating, blood drinking minds, unfortunately only they can afford her. She liked it or not it has to be a part of them. Whether she wanted to escape or not she has to be with them, it was written in her fate as it was made by the
million dollar company. The price tag explains your fate.
As usual the meeting went great, people were congratulating each other. They already knew that it has to happen, real documents, forged smiles, welcome to corporate world. She felt herself tiny in front of them.

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