Erica's Education of the Youth

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Erica's Education of the Youth

So guess what? Thanks to Dizzo1, I had to opportunity to write a chapter for her amazing FF, Wylde Ride (Please go and read it, as well as the first book Invisible). So this got me thinking 'I am not so comfortable with writing the sexy stuff, or things regarding sex, or sex ed... Oh come on! Didn't you read Unpolished? It was downright uncomfortable sometimes when it came between she and her men!' Anywho, I thought Dizzo1 had a wonderful idea. So wonderful help was found. Kota123456. I believe she found the humor, humility, and horror of the situation perfectly. Please give huge hugs and welcomes and readership to this chapter and view as written by guest writer Kota123456. (Stories written: Your Loss, My Gain; One Shots & Challenges)

Phoenix's POV:

I still didn't know what the big deal was about this so called class that we were taking. I mean some of us had had sex education classes put on by the Academy as part of the required schedule, and we were taught about the birds and the bees by Papa Sean. What was the big deal? If Cadence and Cherie hadn't gone into my room, then we would not even be here. I guess I should say, if I hadn't taken Papa North's magazines from the trash, we wouldn't be here. Maybe I could convince Mom that I was reading them for the articles.

Really, Son? Do you really think that will work?

I guess not. What's the big deal, Dad? How bad can it be?

Oh, my boy, you will find out. I can't wait!

You sound way too chipper about this, Dad.

The eight of us shuffled into the pillow den and sat down. I loved this room. It held great memories for all of us. Many of our Family Nights have been spent here watching movies, playing games, and talking. It is just so cozy sinking into the recessed couches, pillows and blankets. The 65-inch TV doesn't hurt either.

Grandma Lee entered the room followed by Papa North and Uncle Raven who are carrying two large suitcases. The two men hefted the suitcases onto the table and left with a small smirk on their lips.

I remember when we went through this with Erica. I thought North was going to pass out.

Papa North doesn't get squeamish, Dad. Well, unless it has to do with mom getting hurt... or Isis, well, or... I get your point.

With that I let out a small laugh which of course gets me in trouble with Papa North and Uncle Raven who glare in my direction before leaving.

"Good morning, everyone! I hope you are ready for a very informative day." Grandma seems chipper today.

"Grandma Lee, why did all of the adults snicker when talking about this lecture?" Cherie asks innocently.

"Well, Sweetie, it is probably because they remember having a lecture very similar to this one, but I have found more things to go over."

She found more? Sh*t, that can't be good, but it sure will be fu*kin' funny.

Dad, please give me a heads up before anything cringe-worthy.

"Okay, kids, we are going to go about this in a different way than with your parents because of the catalyst of this lecture." With that she pulled out several pictures of very attractive and scantily clad women and men on them. "I want you to split up into groups of two. You will look at the magazine pictures, choose one, and determine what the picture is trying to portray. Then, you will show the picture to the group and describe your findings."

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