Chapter VI: The List

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It had been two days since I last saw Chris. That moment in the elevator was just... well... exciting! It was something new. Since then, I spent two consecutive days processing papers that are not on due, just to see whether I get to see him again and have another conversation. But so far, he's not visible. 

Four hours and a half ago, during lunch, I was having a "one-on-one seminar" with my newly wed friend, Rory. Rory is a pretty woman with tan skin and brown eyes. Her hair is short and is probably as tall (or as short) as I am. She had been a friend eversince I worked here. She works across the street from our building and we became friends at the very same spot where we are talking now.


We were sitting in the canteen for lunch. I told her that I was liking a guy and said many details about how me never met yet, how it was awkward when I see him, and the ever-wonderful elevator chat of bliss. Then she started telling me some "orders" or rather tips on how to get things in a whole new level...

"Hahahaha!" I laughed. "I can't do it! I really can't!" I was laughing as I shook my head. I held my face in embarassment. 

"Duh!" Her eyes widened. " Look. He noticed you! All you have to do is to give him a little bit of encouragement!" 

"What? Why do I even have to do that?" I asked. We were in a corner table but we might have been talking too loud due to excitement that people look at us." 

"Hmmm...." She looked down on her untouched pasta then went back to me. "Look Mika. Men might like us. But in this 'game', we are the ones who put on the 'switch'. If you switch the light on and he sees he has a chance... then perhaps... things could start from there." 

"Is that what you did to your husband?" I asked. I squinted a little like a kid asking her mom 'Where do babies come from' question.

She laughed. "Hahaha! Well yeah, I gave some motives. You know just to encourage... Come one Mika. Tell me, do you really like him?" 

"Yeah... But what about my identity crisis? I'm still on it..." I sip my soda. Men, I cannot even taste it anymore. The ice melted already. The soda isn't even cold...

"Identity crisis? You don't need to get the ducks all lined up before you have a partner! We're not talking about marriage yet!" Her eyes grow bigger. Her hand gestures in a way that she talking about something that would change my life. 

Or maybe, it would.

She took a deep breath... "Mika, look... just try, alright? Here's the list and do it step by step... Then we'll see what happens there.


And here I am, about to go home... Holding a list of ten hilarious things I do not even have the courage to do. I admit it, it's not only that I am shy, I can work with that. But honestly, I have too much pride. I guess, that should be changed. 

I was about to go out of the  shaded area when it rained. Darn! I have no umbrella! People started running but I don't want to do that. I guess, I'll just wait for the rain to stop. So I brought out the magic list from Rory and started reading it. I was bored, I better start doing something.

Rory's Tips to Finding Love:

Number 1: Of course, find the person.... (Well, he's been invisible for two days)

Number 2. Be around often to where he is. He should notice you somehow..... (I guess that's a check) ... And remember to look pretty every moment, you never know when would be the time... (ALright alright I get it.)

Number 3. Eye contact is essential. At some point, make an eye contact to him but not too long. Then withdraw.

Number 4. Make another short eye contact, then smile...  (This, I think, is the very thing that I had to do but the hardest. Frowning at him seemed to be a defense mechanism. I don't like him to think I like him... which is stupid.)

Number 5. If you have a chance... Say hello.... (That is if I have a chance)

Number 6: If he says hi, try and see if he would start a conversation. If he doesn't, then be the one to start! Remember to be friendly and don't give too much. Keep smiling just for a while. Not much. Just make him know that somehow, you are interested.

Number 7: Pray that he gets your number. If he does, then don't be stupid... Just give it!

Number 8: Ask for God's miracle that he would ask you for coffee. And when he does, then stop that stupid pride.... Just do it!

... These are... well... very well written insultinf tips that were apparently customized for me. Besides? If I don't even see him then what am I suppoed to...

"Excuse me?" 

Wait, I think someone just talked to me. Then I looked at the person standing beside me and  I had this reflex movement that I crumpled the paper and quickly dumped it in the pocket of my skirt. 

It is Chris, standing beside me... Holding an umbrella in his right hand. He was looking at me in the eyes. 

Number 1, 2, 3 --- Check... 

Number 4, Smile....

And so I did. :)

I have my best smile I could pull out for that day. Apparently, it was not as difficult as I thought. The sight of him could make me smile. He was wearing this cool blue shirt and a cool black leather jacket. I can smell the masculine sweet  smell of his cologne. He was standing next to me.

"Hi." He said again. 

Number 5, Say Hello... And I finally have a chance.

I smiled. "Hello." 

He looked around and turned back to me. "Well, I was about to go... then I saw you." He looked under his lashes as if trying to find the right words. "So you don't have umbrella?"

I shook my head... "I don't. It was sunny a while ago. Never thought it would rain."

I was looking up at him with this shy and hesitant look. Never know what he was thinking, but he was giving this half smile... It gave me chills. He looked like, someone I know. It made me secure but uncomfortable at the same time. But surely, I would not want this afternoon to end without having anything much to remember. 

"Well," he said, "we... we can go together." Then he looked at me with a look as if he's waiting for my answer. He was looking into my eyes, slightly tilting his head downward.

This... this could be my chance. My chance, for another moment. Another moment wherein I can be myself in a more vulnerable way, and finally have a chance not to do the mistakes I had done before... To finally, be happy again, let go of the past. I know I am thinking too much, but being with Chris right now, I know. I know that if I take this moment... this will not be the last. 

"...Sure." I said.

He smiled. I smiled too... 

He took a deep breath, look up in the sky, it was still raining and it's windy.

"What your name?" He looked at me again and smiled. "I have been seeing you everywhere, but never asked your name." 

He need not to ask more than once. I have been waiting for this, I thought.

"Mika." I said.

"Well Mika," he smiled... "It's been raining hard... I guess it would be difficult to travel. So, would you... like to have coffee first?" 

So rest of the list was fulfilled, I guess. The rest of the numbers vanished from my head. But clearly, the universed had worked together so that this could happen. Welcome to a new story. I thanked God, because after all, this is a great day :D

Definitely... I guess, the list my friend gave me, has magic in it.

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