Idk what happened to me but the last break up hit me hella hard. I was sad depressed scared and paronoid. I was going to see the twins today. But i had a suprise for milan
Mikan pov
So the kids and i spent the night at bastian's last night. It was about 12:00 pm and malak said he was coming to see the kids today. Yeah we talk but not like that b. Its been 1 month of me throwing up and I'm convinced I'm pregnant. Ive never thrown up longer than 2 days. Everytime i wanted to forget this pregnancy bastian brings it up. Hes coming rn so watch. 💀💀💀
Him-did u ever take tht test.
Me-no sebastian.
.He was holding a bag. Then he put it on the table.
Him-okay i got you these. We really need to know if you are or not.
I gave him the omfg get out my face look and i grabbed the bag and went up stairs to take the tests. Omg help me.
Bastian pov
I was really hoping she was pregnant because i love her and i wanna have a baby.
I needed to go pick kayle up in about a hour from her camping trip. She begged me not to go. But she doesnt like ppl so i made her go. Anyways babe came down the stairs with a worried look on her face. Then she started crying.
Me-babe whats wrong!?
Her-#3. Im barely a good mother to the 2 i have. How can i be a good mom to #3.
Me-Dont say that. You're a great mother. And you're going to be even better to ours okay. Dont cry.
Milan pov
I couldnt believe i was having another baby. I just hope its another boy. I really cant deal with girls. Sebastian and the kids and i got in the car and went to pick up kayle. The windows are tinted so she didnt see me.
Kayle-daddy when can we see milan-MOMMMY JALYNN CAITLYNN.
She was so happy. She hugged us all and got buckled in. The kids were playing with their little toys and stuff in the back when bastian kept looking over at me
Me-take a picture last longer. I playfully rolled my eyes. And to my suprise he actually got on snapchat and took a picture. (Ik the picture isnt in the car but oh well)
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
We drove to rivers b/c she wanted to tell everyone something. When we got there noey and nadia were the only ones missing. So i played with the kids on the trampoline untill we were called inside. Sebastian came out and said everyone was here.
River-i really didnt want anything. I just wanted everyone over. Lol ily
I rolled my eyes playfully and i saw jaden walk to the trampoline so i did too.
Me-jay whats wrong.
He shook his head.
Him-theres this girl ive liked every since 9th grade but she never seemed to notice me.
Me-but you have tayoni now so you need to let that crush go jay.
Him-its hard cause im looking at her rn.
I didnt know what to say so i left. I would never take jaden away tayoni. Not EVER. Jaden caught up to me.
Him-look im sorry. I just needed to tell you. But ill focus on me and tayoni.
I nodded and walked to the front yard and my little noey was sitting there.
Me-hey noey
Him-hey mimi
Me-whats wrong with yoh.
Him-i really like-
Me-noah singletin rileyy if you say you like me im going to scream because jaden just told me the same thing.
He looked at me and looked down sad. Wtf they have girlfriend's now back tf up. I left him sitting there and went back to MY family. All the boys came in and smirked at me. They looked at eachother and said "BET" i looked at sebastian and he just smirked.