Obscure Words Starting with L

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INTP- Liminal 

1.of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. 

2.occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold

ESTP- Laissez-aller

1. Letting Go

2. Lack of Restraint 

ISTP- laconism

1.a laconic expression

2.brevity or terseness of expression or style

ENTP- Ludic

1. of, relating to, or characterized by play

2. Playful

INFP- lucent

1. Glowing with Light

2.  marked by clarity or translucence


  the sum total of physical surroundings and everyday experiences that make up an individual's world  


1. A dominant recurring theme 

2. an associated melodic phrase or figure that accompanies the reappearance of an idea, person, or situation especially in a Wagnerian music drama

ISFP- lambent

1. Shining or Glowing Softly

2.having a light, appealing quality

INTJ- lacerate

  to cut or tear (someone's flesh) deeply or roughly  

ISTJ- lemma

1. A glossed word or phrase

2. an auxiliary proposition used in the demonstration of another proposition

3. the argument or theme of a composition prefixed as a title or introduction; also : the heading or theme of a comment or note on a text

ESTJ- locus classicus

1. A classic case or example

2. a passage that has become a standard for the elucidation of a word or subjec

ENTJ- lyophilize


ISFJ- limitary

1. Subject to limits

2. of or relating to a boundary

INFJ- lachrymation

  abnormal or excessive secretion of tears due to local or systemic disease  

ESFJ- lily-white

1. Very White

2. completely without fault or blame

3. consisting entirely or mostly of white people

4. Morally pure

ENFJ- leechcraft

1. the art of healing

2. medical knowledge and skill

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