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i walk down the long hallway of the old school building handing out flyers to each student i pass.

"here, take one please." i say with a smile, passing a flyer to a random girl and her friends. as i walk away i can hear them laughing at me. i just brush it off and keep it moving. my momma always told me that i wasn't at school to make friends, but to get an education and make a future for myself.

"hi, um would you be interested in attending the first ever national women's awareness day assembly?" i ask handing a boy with faded blue, almost grey, hair. he skims across the paper before scrunching his face up with a look of disgust.

"why would we want to go to this nonsense?" he asks,"how would this even benefit us, we're not girls?" he asks. his friends nod in agreement.

"well it's not nonsense, first of all. it's an assembly to spread awareness about inequality between men and women." i start, "and also, everything doesn't have to benefit you, you already have a privilege because you're male, and an even bigger privilege because you're a white male." you can tell what i said got to him, and i honestly don't know why, i just stated the truth. his cheeks are flustered a bright red color, and you could tell he was about to burst with anger.

"what does race even have to do with this stupid assembly, i don't want to go and that final." He said with a huff.

"i mean no one is forcing you to go, honestly i think it would be much better if people like you didn't come." i say walking away.

"what's that supposed to mean?!" i hear him yell down the hall. i just continue walking and passing out the flyers. this is usually what my day looks like. i try to bestow my knowledge onto people, and then i run into a douche who feels the need to defend his masculinity, and then i get into useless arguments with said douche and his friends and end up walking away before i lose brain cells.

i hand out the last of my flyers then head to my locker. i grab all my books that i need for homework, then i start for the door. today has been a really long and stressful day. i make my way to bus 97.

"hi, Mrs.Rogers." i say to the blond bus driver, she just smiles and nods in return. i walk through the aisle my arm brushing against many of the tired teenagers. finally i find a decent seat and pray that no one will try to sit with me. and luckily, they don't. the bus ride wasn't very long to be honest. at most the ride from school to my house was 15 minutes. it's the kids on the bus that make the ride a dreadful one. for starters most of the football team rides my bus, and let me tell you those boys don't have any home training. they don't even sit down on the bus. they pick on the other kids, and make too many bad jokes. oh and don't even get me started on Jessica, a small Asian girl with purple hair, and her boyfriend Ben, who looks like your average basic white boy. they are the touchiest couple in the whole school. just imagine how bad it is on the bus. they basically dry hump the whole ride. and then there's me. i usually sit in the middle of the bus. not to far in the front with the freshman and emo kids, and not to far in the back with the jocks and dry humpers.

as i walk through the front door of my house i was met with the sad face of my five year old sister, Alana. i hated when she was sad. she has these huge bubble eyes that just make you feel guilty even if you haven't done anything, and it absolutely sucked trying to argue with her.

"what's wrong Alana?" i asked, because i knew that was exactly what she wanted.

"my doll's arm came off." Alana sobbed. i tried my hardest not to laugh. although my sister was adorable, she had one of the ugliest cries i've ever seen.

"that's okay Alana, you have plenty of other dolls to play with." i say sighing. i never have this problem with my other sister, Aliyah.

"but this doll was a princess, and all princess dolls need arms!" she argued. by this point i was getting annoyed. Alana had like twenty more dolls in her room, what makes this one so special.

"Alana, not all princesses have to have both arms, just like all people don't have to have arm." i explain.

"but that's, scary." she says.

"stop being a baby!" my twelve year old sister Aliyah yells as she joins the conversation.

"i'm not a baby, i a big girl!" Alana yells back. i take this as a sign to make my way up the stairs to my room.

as soon as i make it to my room, i throw my bag on the floor and flop on my bed. i should be sitting at my desk writing my speech for tomorrow, but instead i find myself flopped on my bed aimlessly scrolling through instagram. After 15 minutes of scrolling through pointless pictures and videos, i decide that it would be a good time to start the speech that basically the whole school will hear. so i go to my desk, turn on the1975, and get to work.

Hi guys! so this is the first chapter of my book, i hope you all like it! i know it's not the best but hopefully my writing will get better as we go along.



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