Trouble Me...

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I wake up at 6 a.m. in the morning and I'm not in such a good mood so I get up and go into the living room quietly trying to not make any noise, so Max doesn't wake up. I grab my phone and start texting my friends, Jordan texts me and say Hello sweet heart, how was your sleep? I don't answer him back but it's nice to know I'm someones sweetheart once and a while. I turn on the T.V. but put it on 5 so Max can't here it from the other room. I put on Your lie in April, I fall asleep to it right when it hits 9 a.m. in the morning. Max wakes up, getting out of bed he stretches and looks for me worried, he goes out into the living room and looks down at me and his heart rate goes down, he is calmer now that he knows I'm ok, he walks into the kitchen and gets some leftover pancakes and eats them for his breakfast, after that he goes into the bathroom and brushes his teeth. He walks out and claps his hands, I wake up instantly and growl at Max. "Woah girl! Calm down there." I growl some more as my eyes turn gray.
"If you ever do that again I'll rip your head off!" I say growling in anger. He backs away and I shake my head turning to get back to normal without a fight. I slap myself and Max grabs my hand with anger.
"No hurting yourself!" I pull away aggressively and run to the bathroom- locking the bathroom down I look through the cabinets and find a little pocket razor, Max knocks on the door worried and aggressively, "OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!" He shouts and shouts- I fall down to the ground gripping the tiny razor in my hand carefully so it doesn't cut my vain in my palm. My tears fall and hit the ground making a splash noise as it hits the ground. Max knocks even louder, than out of nowhere it just stops for no reason at all- He grabs the keys and unlocks the bathroom door and bangs it open without a care. He looks at me and my face is red full of tears my hair covering the left side of my face and my hands clutched together into the form of a fist, He walks over and hugs me trying to take one of my hands in his making them intertwine together. "I care about you..." Right as he said that my eyes turn gray again and I bitch smack him arcoss the face. I run out of the bathroom and out the front door into the woods not to far away far the house. Max tried to find me but when it turned 9 p.m. he gave up and headed back to the house.

I soon after walked back and as soon as I walked through the door and me and Max got into a fight, yelling back and forth at each other.
"Get the hell out of my house!" I pushed him into a wall as I said that "Take your shit and leave," He looked at me with a furious face, I knew he wanted to smack me so badly but he didn't, I through his clothes at him "You leaving or not?"
"Angie. Listen." He tried to calm me and tried to hug me, I slap him across the face.
"OUT!" I went into my room and Banged the door shut locking it.
"Bitch..." He took his stuff and went to his friends house for the night.

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