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I kno I've been gone but I had duties and if you read or have read "Dammit yn let me love you." Then your in luck because I should be updating very soon so be on the look out bitches anyway to the story and beyond....


Chresanto's P.O.V

If I told you I loved my life that would be half a lie because before I met Yn I had anger issues I still do but only certain accusations. I would fight everyday but not like a regular school fight I'm talking knives, gun,e.t.c. That's just who I was, I use to be with the bloods but I had to get out because it was just to much when I met Yn...I still got scars from that. I'm still a Thug so don't go thinking that Chresanto is a pussy cause I'll shoot you..try me. I'm hungry as fuck.

I got up and walked over to the kitchen  which was extra small by the way but it will have to do. We only got 5,000 dollars in the bank and 900 on us. I should just go to the store down the road that we passed before coming here. I reached over in the nightstand and grabbed 20 dollars. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, I can wash up when I get back i threw on some sweat pants and a sweatshirt and my phone and walked out. I'll just text Yn when I get back.

The market type store was half empty good I don't need nobody noticing me. I grabbed two boxes full of ramen noddles and alot of cup of noodles and was about to make my way to he register, when I looked up at the t.v and see a wanted broadcast for me and Yn. Shit.

The man looked at me and I looked at him with bulging eyes he just looked down and started to bag my things, then looked back at me to hand me the bag and nodded his head at me it felt weird..why didn't he call the police and rat me out. But I didn't question it I just nodded back and quickly left the store. I made my way back to the motel and knocked on the door to see a pissed Yn. I'm fucked.

" Where the fuck have you been Chres" she yelled never looked down to see the two black bags in my hand.

"Yo chill I just went to the store because I was hungry."

"How the fuck can I chill when you didn't even tell me where you were I was worried."

"Yoo Yn calm down before the neighbors complain." I say walking to the kitchen island and sitting the bags down.

"Don't walk away from me!."

"It's over now damn shut the fuck up Yn damn!!." I yelled.

"Don't raise your mother fucking voice at me Santo I'm not the one I swear I'll cut your ass now yell at me again!!."

I just kept walking until I got to the bed and laid down and turned on the t.v and started eating my chips she must be on her monthly I ain't got time for her bull shit right now we should be talking bout how we gonna hide not fussing over petty shit, and yet she was still fussing not directly but she was mumbling to herself and slamming pots making noodles.

~ Yn P.O.V ~

I can't believe his punk ass gonna leave I'm not clingy but in this situation I guess I am, anything could've happened to him but he over with it then whatever but don't disrespect me in my face and cuss at me; then walk away and ignore me he got me fucked up.

"Huh." I said handing him, his food I just made him, he raised a eyebrow I just smiled I wanted to make him uneasy.

"Yn..what you do to this." He said sniffing it and eyed me.

I just laughed and walked away and said nothing he eventually he ate it and I ate mine too. The sun started going down and I hopped in the shower and changed into my pajamas and so did Chres, we laid down next to each other watching t.v.

"You know I saw the news today...and we were the main topic for the most wanted." he said and I felt a cold chill go up my spine.

"I know because I saw it too that's why I was worried...I'm sorry."

"Me too we just know how to push each other buttons." he said cuddling up against me I drifted off to sleep dreaming about being wealthy and I was married to some dude but I couldn't really couldn't see his face which was creepy I looked down to see myself in a bed but not the motel's bed with Chres I was alone and it looked like morning here I got up to hear foot steps I pretended to be sleep, I felt weight on the bed all of a sudden but not alot so I peeped.

"Hi mommy..mommy I see you peeping". A little girl that looked like me with a soft afro puff said giggling. I don't know why but I started smiling I felt warm like I belonged here then the faceless man came back in it wasn't creepy anymore I just couldn't really focus on his face, he came in with a infant in his arms.

"Oh your awake, guess who came to see mommy." His voice was deep and unrecognizable I tried to see who he was but it was hard and I gave up. He handed me the baby in my arms and got on other side of the bed smiling I looked back at the baby to see him smiling up at me wide awake he grabbed one of my fingers and I giggled. All of a sudden I heard I heard sirens and I looked down at the children but they weren't children anymore they were officers and they had their guns pointed, at me and Chres.The unknown man got up from the bed smirked at me and held a gun at Chres I tried to scream but nothing came out...BANG!! I looked down at Chres and saw blood everywhere..on the walls,floor..on me I screamed and tried my best to wipe it off but it was stuck on me I coudn't get it off, no matter how hard I tried then the officers shot me and I was dead, screaming...

I woke up hot and sweaty, tears screaming down my face I was shaking badly I couldn't stop shaking it was like something was wrong with me. I felt Chres wake up.

"...Yn..you aight." He said groggy.

"Yeah I'm fine I just had a bad dream-m I-I'm f-finee." I said as it got worst when I thought about it.

he hugged me and brung me back to lay down he cooed me until he fell asleep I stayed awake starring blankly at the t.v thinking why did I have that dream and praying to god that I never have it again.


Just a little something something; are there people reading this because if it is please let me know that way I can update frquently because I don't think no ones reading this but DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW ME AND VOTE AND ADD THIS STORY TO YOUR READING LIST THANKS I'M OUTEE BITCH

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