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I was like paralyzed. I just lay in bed and the whole body writhing in pain. I couldn't scream and I couldn't even get out a single word. It was black around me and I only heard the faint sound of voices. I was sweating, I was tortured and I went through that transformation. It was as if every inch of me would change and it took time.

"It's almost over."

Was it Harry's voice? I was unsure. I tried to say something but the pain was too big and I writhed in every direction to find peace. I pulled the sheet with my hands, and I suspected that this was only the beginning.


I woke up sweaty. I was finally able to open my eyes. Slowly the pain drift over to become something else. I felt hunger! I swallowed and I tried to accustom my eyes to the darkness. Oh my Good, I was so hungry that my stomach was writhing in pain. 

"She needs food." someone said. I noticed quickly that I was naked. I had no blanket over me and the whole bed was damp. I tried to sit up, but so far, couldn't my body obey me.

"I'll get blood."

How many of them were in my room? I tried to ask, but my throat was dry and my lips was almost stuck to each other. I turned slowly to the darkness and I saw the silhouettes of the others. I tried to think clearly, but my head was like one big batter with thoughts. I couldn't sort them out and I didn't even know where I was.

"You will soon be well again."

Harry showed up and he sat on the edge of the bed. He held a towel and he wiped gently my sweaty body. I tried to smile at him, but I couldn't even do such a simple thing.


I felt the hot taste on my lips. Blood! I don't know how I knew how I would do, but I bet. I stabbed until they took it away from me. I noted quickly a human and I sensed that I had to bite one of the slaves. Slowly my stomach changed and my body and felt a harmony. Those who had seen me and been there, left the room and it was just me and Harry. He sat on the bed and he watched me carefully and thoughtfully.

"How is it?" he whispered questioningly. "Do you remember anything?"

I swallowed.

"We went down to the lake and then everything is just one big fog."

He smiled wryly and he proceeded to dry my skin. He followed the towel with his eyes and it was as if he followed every inch that was me. I sat up and quickly caught my eyes up his attention.

"I wanted you to take my virginity..." I whispered. "I still want you..."

He shook his head.

"You know what the rules says. You should wait for him, that makes your world spin and Liam have suggested that it's not me."

I frowned.

"And if I don't want that man?"

He raised a hand and stroked my cheek softly.

"Then I'm there for you."

I smiled weakly and I lay down again. He let the towel to land down there, and I immediately parted my legs. He laughed a little bit.

"Now as you are vampire you will feel all more. When you eat, do you want more, once you get more blood it's as if that is all you need." He slid down next to me and he took the other arm under my head. "And when you kiss someone it's as if..."

I started bringing me against him and I kissed him. I demand for more and I pulled him quickly over me. I kept him on top of me with my arms and legs and I kissed him desperate. Time stood still and I felt double of everything. I moaned against him and I moved towards him. I felt Harry pulled off his shirt and he pulled off his clothes. I felt his hardness against me, but he chose to obey Liam. He brought it just up and down over my sensitive part and I chose to settle with that, though I desperately wanted more. He kissed my lips, he caressed my body and it didn't take us long to become totally crazy. I moaned, I leaned me up against his hard part and I brought my hip at the same pace as him.


Afterwards we lay perfectly still in bed and just breathed. He was behind me and he held me tight. I felt only harmony and I realized that I was actually in love with Harry. Yes, it sounded stupid to realize it now, but my body wanted him in every way. I heard the wind blew against the window and far away in the woods a wolf howled. I realized that I heard so much more. It was as if my ears perceived everything,

"Did you hear that?"

Harry smiled and he kissed me under the ear.

"Yes, it was a leaf that fell to the ground."

I swallowed and I wondered.

"Are you serious?"

He laughed a little bit.

"Yes, you can hear everything. You just have to learn to block out certain things. You have to learn that you can't listen to everything at once."

I sensed what he meant. I tried to concentrate on the sounds around me. It was then I heard Liam's voice somewhere in the castle.

"Harry is with her." and he talked to Louis.

"So she's one of us now?"

"Yes, she's one of us."

Louis seemed relieved.

"And when will she start the training?"

"As quickly as possible."


"Eleanor, Perrie?"

I ran down the stairs and we threw ourselves into each other's arms. I almost cried with happiness and I knew that Harry had told me the truth from day one. They were vampires, and they were like me, newbies. They released me and they giggled happily.

"We heard that you were here." Perrie said happily and she raised her eyebrows. "I couldn't call you and tell what happened."

I smiled at her.

"I understand that." I said quickly. "Once you come here, you can't return home."

Eleanor agreed.

"But now we are all here." she said cheerfully. "And you were looking for us, and you come here to find us?"

I nodded.

"Yes, everyone was worried and finally I couldn't just let the idea that you were with the guys go away."

I realized that much had happened and I even realized what it was we left behind us.

"Where's Zayn?"

Direct they became a little more quiet and they looked at each other with a knowing look.

"He may not have been as lucky as us." Eleanor said sad. "He's a mixture of slave and almost vampire."

I frowned.

"What does that mean?"

Perrie cleared her throat a little.

"They have bitten him, but he can't bite them to become like us. He's in the mist country, and they use him as a slave. He is working for them."

I swallowed.

"Can I meet him?"

They shook their heads at the same time.

"He's where we can't go."

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