Chapter 20: We will get through this.

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Ethan's POV

"Ethan I-I'm.....pregnant. I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore and I'm sorry I don't how this this happened. We can have an ab-" I interrupted her by crashing my lips into hers. Obviously a lot of things are going through my head right now but one thing is for sure I'm not leaving Jade and we are keeping this baby. It's my baby, it's our baby. I pulled apart and smiled.

"Jade I'm not leaving you and we are going to keep this baby. It's our baby and I don't know how I would live with myself if I knew I gave it away"

"But Ethan were only 20 and we aren't married. Where are we going to get the money for all this. We can barely afford college and this apartment."

"I know it going to be hard and there will be hard times along the way but we will get through this okay. I promise. I can get a job even two if I have to. We are both finishing up college soon so we can try and look for jobs."

I looked into her eyes. They were filled with tears and hope. I kissed her softly on her forehead and we laid down and fell asleep.


I woke up but Jade wasn't there. I walked into the kitchen and she was making dinner. I swear if I didn't have her I would be getting take out food everyday.

"Hey" she said.

"Your tired aren't you" I said.

"I guess so. I just never thought I would be pregnant at twenty. I know it's ok but I feel like it's a bit young"

"Well baby we're ready for it and I'll be here every step of the way"

"Oh that reminds me I have to call the doctor to make an appointment for a check up. Will you stir this while I make a call?" She asked.

"Yeah sure" I replied.

She walked into the sitting room to make the call.


Chapter 20🙌🏼

I'm sorry that the chapters have been real short lately. I have exams coming up and I really have to study so I may or may not be able to update regularly from now on, but I promise over the summer I will be updating all the time. My summer break is in three weeks and we have three whole months off so I'm really excited! I will be bringing out a new book during the summer too because this one will probably be finished soon. I will be away for half of the summer but I will have internet so I will still update don't worry. And yeah byeeee❤️

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