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Ethan's POV

It's Hayley's third birthday party today. We were busy setting it all up when the little devil herself came in. I quickly got up and ran over grabbing her and bringing her in for a big cuddle as I walked back in to her play room where she originally was.

"Hey you, I thought you were supposed to be in here with your uncle Grayson huh?" I said as she looked at me frowning and shrugging her shoulders. I laughed and she smiled at me with her cute little smile.
"Daddy, Grayson is BORING!" She pouted.
"Hey you I'm right here!" Grayson laughed. She giggled as I put her down she walked over to Grayson and wrapped her small arms around Grayson's legs.
"Sorry Grayson" she said snuggling into his legs. I laughed and walked over to the door.
"Daddy will be back in a little bit okay princess?" She smiled letting me know everything was Gucci. (Lmao I actually hate myself)

I walked back to the kitchen seeing my beautiful wife setting up the snacks on the table for Hayley's party. I walked over and brought her into a big bear hug.
"Ugh I love you so much" i looked down at her smiling face.
"you know that right?"
"Of course I do eth but I love you more" she rested her head on my chest.

We finished setting everything up for her birthday making sure everything was perfect. I heard the door bell go off and jade ran to the door yelling
"I'll get it!" All of Hayley's friends were arriving and I knew Hayley was excited.

"Thank you!" She came running up to Jade flying onto her. It was so cute I took out my phone and got a picture.

She gave me a big hug too and ran off into the garden playing with all her friends

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She gave me a big hug too and ran off into the garden playing with all her friends. She's actually the cutest thing. "She's definitely going to be a heartbreaker" I said looking at Jade. "Yep we're gonna have our hands full" she looked up at me and smiled as her brown eyes glowed. I could melt in those eyes. I fall in love with them over and over again. I smiled back and suggested we got back to all the other adults.

Hours later after the party Grayson came into the sitting room with a very pregnant Alex. Things didn't work out with Kate and him. Alex ended up moving back to L.A. She told us all about the story of how she hated Australia and couldn't wait to come back to see all of us. Especially Grayson. I always knew they loved each other there was definitely no denying that. They started things back up again and then got married about a year after we had Hayley. Now Alex is 9 months pregnant looking like she is just about to burst. She sat on the couch with the help of Grayson.
"Ugh I want this baba to get the hell out already!" She said putting her hand on her bump.
"I have a feeling its tomorrow" she looked at Hayley smiling.
"Are you serious?" Jade said surprised. "Yup, look at me I'm fucking huge!" She laughed.

"So bro new baby on the way! You excited?" I asked Gray while the girls talked amongst themselves.
"I honestly don't know, like wait don't get me wrong I'm excited obviously but I'm really nervous too" he said running his fingers through his hair.
"Don't worry I was the exact same dude but I swear your gonna love it!" I patted him on the back reassuring him.

"Shit!" I heard Alex scream at the top of her lungs.
"Gray, this baby is coming now!" Alex said as gray got up and ran over to help her. I just looked at Jade super confused. She had pretty much the same look on her face too.

Alex ended up having her little boy the next day. Gray is the happiest dad ever and Alex is so happy too. We went to visit them at the hospital and found out they called him Sean after our dad. Our parents couldn't make it but gray called him and told him about everything. I was outside of Alex's room playing with Hayley while gray was on the phone to our dad and Alex and Jade were talking as usual when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up and almost shit myself when I saw who it was.

"Meredith?" I asked surprised.
"Hey Ethan! Can I sit?" She asked politely, pointing to the seat next to me.
"Ugh yeah sure" I said unsure.
"So how has everything been with you? I see you have a beautiful little girl, and what's your name sweetie?" She said in a high pitched voice when talking to Hayley.
"Hayley!" She said proudly, grinning.
"What a beautiful name!" Meredith said as she looked up at me "I see your married. Is it Jade?"
"Yeah actually" I also said proudly still unsure why she was being so nice.
"Listen Ethan I'm really sorry about everything I put you guys through in the past I really am. I should have never been so stupid!" She looked down as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Hey don't cry! It's okay I forgive you Meredith. We were young at the time and maybe foolish at times I know I sure made mistakes too and still do but it's okay!" I said giving her a hug.
"And I'm so happy you and Jade are together!" She smiled at me.

Speaking of which Jade came out with a look of shock when she saw Meredith.

"Jade!" Meredith said getting up and giving her a huge hug.
She said something while hugging her but it was muffled so I didn't hear properly. I think it was just about the whole sorry thing. Wow. I always thought she was just a bitch but if I'm being honest she seems really sweet.

"Daddy, who is that?" Hayley tapped me with a curios look on her face.
"Just an old friend princess" I smiled looking down at her adorable face.

Jade and Meredith were talking for a while and I joined in the conversation after a little while. Turns out she's  married with 2 children a boy and a girl called Luke and Sophia. She also lost her father in a car crash two years ago which was heartbreaking to hear.

We went home after a while. We must have been at the hospital for about five hours. We ended up going home because Hayley got bored.

I came in to the sitting room where Hayley and Jade were watching to together.

I walked in to the sitting room and sat beside Hayley who was now in the middle of both Jade and I. We ended up watching movies for the rest of the night laughing and having fun. I wanted to freeze time in that moment so I could forever be with my two beautiful girls.

Finally finished this book! Hope you enjoyed the epilogue:) Ly guys <3

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