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We were pulling into brandons driveway and the butterflies in my stomach were getting bigger and bigger. as I was walking to his door I went around the side and let alibi in the back yard to play with hoss. i made my way to the front and knocked twice loudly on the front door. our mom's are best friends and it's not uncommon for me and Ryan to just walk in, and that's what I did. I heard music coming from upstairs so I figured that he must be in his room. as I was walking up the stairs I hear ' body party' by ciara. why would he be listening to that song, that's definitely not his kind of music. I get closer and notice the door is cracked. I lean in closer and see Brandon laying back on his bed with no shirt on. ohhhh, he looks so good! that's what I was thinking until the a blonde bimbo steps in my line of vision. in nothing but high heels and lingerie! tears started forming in my eyes and that's when I turned around and ran out the house as fast I could go.

Brandon p.o.v

it's been four weeks since I slept with Kait and I don't know what to do. neither one of us has mentioned it so I figured she didn't want it mentioned. that and Ryan may be smaller but I definitely don't want to tell him I took his baby sisters virginity. I'm thinking all this as what's her name, I forgot, come out in some heels and lingerie. i wish she would turn this stupid music off and listen me when I tell her to get out! I admit she looked nice but not half as nice as my beautiful Kait... god, her soft black hair and smoldering grey eyes. when she smiles and her face lights up they almost look silver.

a minute later I hear loud barking. I look out my window to see hoss and alibi playing. wait, alibi? two seconds later I see Kait run out there whistle for alibi then just as fast they were gone.

Kait p.o.v

I cried all the way back to the house and all the way to my mom's office. I walked In and spilled my whole story which is also my reason for leaving...

yes, leaving.

he isn't ready to be a dad. he is only a senior in high school. why would he want me? he had to have been drunk that night. to be honest, I'm scared to bring it up. it would ruin his and my brother's relation ship forever and I couldn't bare to see that happen. so that's why I'm moving to new York! why new York you say? i want a complete change. I'm used to trucks, green fields, horses, and well NASCAR! now I'm going to see cabs, buildings, construction workers, and well concrete. mom agreed to everything and is even gonna pay my rent! I have saved up a pretty good bit of money from baby sitting. my mom's one request is that I can't keep her grandchildren from her. we agreed to tell Ryan I went to stay with our grandparents for awhile to think. mom was lucky enough to call one of her friends who has a couple of apartments around new york, it's a two bedroom two bath and it's furnished! I just have to convert a room into a nursery! I leave tomorrow morning at 6! this is the begginng of a new adventure...

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