C H A P T E R 11

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Third persons POV

Jin was pushed aside roughly as the gun shot was heard and  YoonGi got in front of him. All he heard was screams and the people of Seoul run. (A/N dashi run run sorry bad timing) he had no idea what to do, the people that tried to shoot Jin missed and ran away. Jin looked down on the ground and saw an almost lifeless YoonGi on the ground. Jin dropped to his knees and held YoonGi on his arms. The older male, just moaned from the abdominal pain. Jin had tears running down his cheeks and on the distance he heard sirens. The streets of Seoul were quiet. It was as if the world had stopped revolving. Every sound was blocked from Jin's hearing, he could only hear his heart beat, it was as if his heart ran a thousand miles. He then felt YoonGi be taken away from him and placed on a stretcher, two paramedics helped jin up and made him get into the ambulance. It was as if someone had slapped him across the face or dumped a bucket of ice water. Jin came back to reality and quickly held YoonGi's hand. He wished he could prevent the accident.
The longer it took to get to the hospital, the slower YoonGi's heart kept beating. Jin was scared not just for himself but for the family of YoonGi too.

Namjoon's POV

I turned on my TV and the first thing that popped up was the news.

" today's biggest high light is, the tragic shooting of Min YoonGimy attention was quickly directed to the TV. I was ragging with fury and anger. I told my men to shoot, Kim Seokjin not YoonGi. "He being the brave man, was fulling his duty. When this tragic moment happened, the celebrity and his body guard were walking out from their photoshoot. Suddenly two armed man approached them, while one pointed the gun at Kim Seokjin, Min YoonGi pushed him aside just in time before the bullet got to Kim Seokjin. As for now that is all we have, Min YoonGi is now at the Seoul central hospital",  I turned off the TV, I was mad. I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed kyung.


Not long after the three mans showed up at my mansion. I was waiting for them in my private basement.

The door opened and there came in kyung. The two other suspects followed soon after. I got up from my chair and they bowed.

"Now which one of you shot Min YoonGi?" I asked trying to remain calm but I couldn't, knowing that my love was probably dying.

"I did Sir. But it was an accident" a man with short hair said. I was pissed.

"Kyung, kill him" I said and a gun shot was heard. Blood splattered on the dark walls, but that was fixable. I fixed my suit and walked out, but not before sending another message to kyung to kill the other man.


Third persons POV

Yoongi laid on the white hospital bed, he had no idea what was going on. He just hoped he was alive.

Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin where sitting on the loby at the hospital waiting for any kind of news on YoonGi. Jin was sobbing while the others remained calmed, well Hoseok, he was just trying to look strong in front of his boyfriend. Jimin noticed it and held his boyfriends' hand tightly.
Jungkook was trying to calm his brother down, but it was no use.
"It could've been me" Jin cried,.

"Well, jin he was trying to protect you, so be would want you to stay strong, do that for him" Jungkook said. Jin nooded and cried silently.

Short AF but, a lot happened,
Its unedited because I am lazy to do so.

Maybe that's good enough.

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