Chapter 10

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"I don't know"


"I don't know"

Michael sighed, "Do you know anything about this guy?"

"I don't know." By this time Calum had his head in his hands, he was very frustrated, not only by the questions that Michael was asking but his frequent use of "I don't know".

On top of that, he had been up all night contemplating about his recent confusion on his feelings.

"Perhaps it's impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be." Michael said, causing Calum to snap his head up and stare at the red haired boy weirdly.


"I said: perhaps it's im-"

"I know what you said Michael," Calum rolled his eyes, "But I don't know what it means, or why you said it."

"It means exactly what it means, Calum," This time it was Michaels turn to roll his eyes, placing his hand on Calums thigh, "There's only so long that they can keep up this act before it starts to be obvious".

And at that Michael patted Calums thigh and left the booth that the two boys were sharing.

The kiwi boy gazed out the window, it wasn't the first time that he was lost in his thoughts.

It definitely wasn't Ashton or Luke, for their behaviour hadn't changed - they still subtly flirted.

"Think Calum, think." He mumbled to himself, before rolling his eyes since he was talking to himself.

He didn't really talk to anyone other than that, and Mi-


The boy had become more touchy-feely than usual but- no it couldn't, but-

"I got you another hot chocolate." Michael said with raised eyebrows, this time sitting on the booth opposite from Calum - who was still obviously sitting deep in thought.

The Future Mr Hood: Lets play a game

Calum: Like what?

The Future Mr Hood: Heads or tails-

In that second, Calum had what you would call a lightbulb moment.

"Heads or Tails." He spluttered out randomly, causing Michael to divert his gaze from the window to Calums brown orbs.

The red haired boy tilted his head curiously, "Is this some form of a pickup line?" The look in his eye was unrecognisable, to Calum at least, everyone around them could easily see the adoration hidden in his eyes.

"N-no, I just wanna play the game," Calum stuttered, his cheeks going red, "Do you have a coin?

Michael looked at him strangely, but nonetheless reached into his pocket to grab a coin.

Calum took the 10 pence gratefully, before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Butterflies had formed in his chest, however from what he did not know.

"Michael is the one that started to text me." He whispered to himself, quiet enough for the boy sitting across from him to not hear.

He threw the coin in the air and watched it shine in the light before turning several times, before catching it in one hand and holding it to the back of the other.

"Heads or tails."

Without missing a beat, Michael replied, "Heads."

Calum lifted his hand up, his stomach dropping when he looked at the coin.

"Heads," He gulped, "It's you." {I should clarify, heads = yes and tails = no}

Michael smiled - smiled - before laughing, and Calum couldn't help but smile too, since Michaels nose was scrunched up in the most adorable ways, and his eyes seemed so much brighter when he was smiling.

Calums brain just screamed MichaelMichaelMichaelMichael, and how has he never noticed this before?

When Michael had calmed down he look at Calum with a shít-eating grin before saying shrugging his shoulders, "Surprise?".

And then he started smiling again, he smile so big that the sun would be jealous of how he shone.

So with whatever confidence Calum had left he closed his eyes and whispered to himself again before throwing the coin and catching it again.

When the cold coin was pressed flush to the back of his hand he looked at Michael expectantly, raising his eyebrows as he awaited for an answer.

"Heads." He picked, again.

However this time when Calum lifted his hands he knew this was what he wanted.

"Heads." Calum repeated, before reaching across the table and attaching his lips to Michaels.


T H E  E N D

Heads or Tails? - Malum AUWhere stories live. Discover now