You're insecure about the relationship

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Its not fair for him, he shouldn't have to be stuck in a relationship, he should be free;
That's what you kept telling yourself. Michael was your boyfriend, you've been together for almost two years now but it's been tough. You felt like you were holding him back from his dream. You felt like he should have a chance to meet new people, without having to hold back because of you. You felt like he should be free to do whatever he wanted without needing to tell you.

You love Michael and you know he loves you too. You know you're good for him, and you know there's only a 50/50 chance of him finding someone better, but that wasn't the point. You wanted Michael to live out his dream properly, without you holding him back.

The worst part was having to tell him this. He's on tour but you couldn't get the thought out of your head. You needed to let him go, for his sake.

There was only a one hours time difference between you and Michael. It was around midday as you imagined the words you were going to say. Tears were already brimming in your eyes as you started to call Michael.
On the third ring Michael answered.

"Hey baby" Michael said sounding his usual joyful self.

"Hi" you said into your phone with a shaky voice.

"What's wrong?" He asked, all the joy from his voice now gone.

"I'm sorry Michael, I know I shouldn't do this over the phone but I can't hold it in any longer" you stopped and took a deep breath thinking of your words.
"I'm letting you go, I'm holding you back from living your dream properly. Don't take this as a bad or sad thing, because you're going to be free from me, free to live happily and live out your dream to your full potential. I love you Michael but I can't help but think you'd be better off without me" you heard Michaels breathing become heavy and you could feel your heart breaking into a million pieces.

"No" Michael choked out.

"I'm sorry Michael..." You trailed off being lost for words.
You couldn't bare to hear him try and fight this, you didn't want to hear him cry, you didn't want to hear him attempt to change your mind. 

"No, you're not doing this-" he started to say but you cut him off before he could carry on.

"I love you Michael, I'm sorry" you said and hung up.

You cried. Not being able to hold your tears back, you let your sobs leave your mouth without a care. You let your tears stream down your hot cheeks making them wet. You let your pain take over.

**time skip**

It's been a few weeks since your last phone call with Michael. He tried texting you and calling you but you wasn't able to answer, you knew if you did you'd take him back. As much as you wanted to, as much as you missed him you wanted the best for him, whether it got you hurt or not, his happiness came before yours.

You blocked his number and took him off your social media sites so you wouldn't see him or what he does. Some fans tweeted you, asking why you haven't been seen with Michael, or why you haven't been tweeting each other. You ignored it, you didn't want to react to it. You were too scared to see if Michael said anything, but you wanted to, it was like a scratch in the back of your head.

The thought of Michael never left your mind. Everyday you'd think of him. The smallests things would remind you of him. You'd be making toast in the morning and he'd pop in your head. You could picture him as if he was standing next to you, talking to you, hugging you.
You still cried, almost every night, it used to be every night. Knowing it was only every other night you cried you knew the pain was slowly fading.

About a month had passed and not much has changed.
You were sat on your couch when you had a text from your friend.

Y/l/n: I know you don't want to think of Michael or anything but I thought you should see this.

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