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Another update. Please kindly vote and comment this story. Sorry for any typos and grammatical errors. I know this chappie is too short sorry~ :(



"Oh Jimin I wanted to introduce you to this young boy over here. He's one of our friends." Namjoon went by his side and ruffled the said boy's hair.


"Jimin, this is ....."

Jimin looked up to the said boy. His hair, his nose, his skin, his eyes, lips, everything... it really resembles 'him'.

"Jimin, this is Jeon Jungkook." (bet some of you might have risked it by then >.<)

"Jungkook, this is Jimin" Jimin greeted him with a smile, same goes to the other boy.

"Jimin, Jungkook will be in your class. He's the same age. (man don't blame meh... cause man, Jungkook has to be the hyung sometimes, Kekeke ^^)

"Nae~ nice to meet you Jungkook." Jimin greeted him for the second time.

Jungkook smiled back, "Ah you can just call me Kookie" he showed his bunny teeth.

"K-Kookie? Wae? But Jungkook I thought you only allow hyung to call you Koo-"

"Shut up shut up hyung!" Jungkook shushed Hoseok and winked at him.

And all the others might have understood that by now.

"Let's go home now, It's getting late." Tae suggests. "Oh hey Jiminnie~ I have an assignment to do with Hobi hyung here, and I'm going straight to his house this evening and I'll surely be sleeping over again. Mind if Jungkook here drop you home?"

"Ah wae? Why all of a sudden?" Jimin was kind of shocked since Taehyung never left him like this suddenly.

"Nae Jiminnie, Taetae needs to come with me. Jungkook can drop you home since the road you take is the same." Hoseok spoke up, "Isn't it Jungkook-ssi?"

Jungkook upon hearing his quickly responded, "Ah nae nae nae, I'm fine with it."

"Guys we're going to the movie for a while. We'll be going away now." Namjoon waved them goodbye and pulled a blushing Jin along with him.

"Aish those two lovebirds." Jimin chuckled at them.

They began to walk. They were having fun chatting along the way,

Having too much fun that Jimin had actually forgotten. But will he forget for long?

They soon ended up on the street where Hoseok lives. They bid each other goodbyes and the other remaining two went forward. They walked in silence, a bit awkward you can say.

They slowly walked together, then Jungkook broke the ice, "So is your house near around here?"

Jimin looked up at him and smiled, "Nae how bout you?"

"Me too I hope it won't be that far from yours." He giggled.

Soon they reached the gate, "Thank you Kookie. It was nice talking to you. Thank you for taking me home." Jimin smiled at him, his eyes forming crescents.

Jungkook ruffled his hair, "Smile more. You look cute when you smile like that."

That's when it hit him. He suddenly remembered. That was the same thing he had said to him.

All of the things he forgot, flashed back. He heard his laughter, his voice, and his head started to spin.(sorry I don't know exactly how they put it in words)

Jungkook noticed something wrong. "Jimin?"

"Jiminnie?" Jungkook shook him.

'Jiminnie' that same voice. Jimin's vision started to blur.

"JIMIN!?" he heard someone shout and he blacked out.


*drumroll* Jikook moment!! :P I know it's a Yoonmin story but hey... Some Jikook should also be there kekeke~ I dunno if this chappie is good or whateves but I know it's a crap.

Thank you for reading this crap story.

Thank you again~ maybe the next chappie will be out only on the weekend. ^^

-Yoonminmin <3

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