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"Here goes the first chapter, enjoy ^^


"Yoongi hyung! I'm going now, are you coming with me?" Jimin shouted from downstairs, probably annoyed by the lazy Yoongi being a slowpoke.

"He's really a turtle. Namjoon hyung was right about that." He whispered to himself.

"What were you saying, babe?" he looked to his left and saw Yoongi leaning on the wall beside him, bagpack slung at his shoulders, in a full uniform. He blushed at the nickname, only to be chuckled at by the elder.

"a-ah, nothing hyung. Let's go now, we'll be late for school." He quickly ran towards the door, and soon Yoongi followed smiling and walked beside him.

Yoongi and Jimin have been in a relationship for nearly a year. Since Yoongi wanted to focus on his career as an underground rapper, he bought his own house, and Jimin was kind enough to stay with him. They always go to school together, but there are times Yoongi has to stay at home because of his work.

"Good morning, Chim!!" Jimin was surprised by the sudden loud voice and the next thing he knew, he was tackled to the ground.

"Keep it calm guys, this is not a playground. You'll hurt yourself." The owner of the voice went over to grab the two bodies hugging Jimin like a koala.

"Thanks Jin hyung, aish seriously I thought I was going to suffocate. No need to hug me hard like that." Jimin pouted at his two friends, who are now having guilty smiles on their faces.

"Sorryu~ It was Hoseok's idea-"

"Hey no fair, Tae! It wasn't only my idea. The only thing I said was 'Let's surprise Jimin' and you were the one who decided to tackle him to the ground."

"Yah it's not!" Tae shouted back.

"These two lovers. Bickering now, and they'll be like kissing and hugging each other in the next few seconds like there's no tomorrow." Yoongi shook his head and went to his seat, soon heard the other two shouting at him. "Hey!"

"Jimin, are you doing well these days?" Jin turned to Jimin's seat, "Nae hyung~ Yoongi and I are well these days. I'm happy I can be with him." he smiled and looked at the said boy from his seat.

He found Yoongi sleeping on his desk peacefully, pen in his hands with a book underneath.

'Maybe he's writing down some lyrics again.' he thought.

"Aigoo~ You'll break you're neck if you look at him like that." Jin giggled at him.

Jimin put up his fist jokingly, "Aishh hyung! You wanna die? Do you want me to tell Namjoon hyung that you like him?"

Just then Jin got stiff and was making puppy eyes, telling Jimin he won't tease him anymore.

Jimin was laughing at him, 'So afraid to tell him, eh?'

Soon the teacher came in and the class started.

--(sorry i skipped >.< kekeke)

*After School*

"Hyung let's go home now~" Jimin skipped to Yoongi, forcing him to wake up.

'Has he been sleeping all day long?'

Yoongi stirred awake from his seat, "Afternoon already?" He rubbed his eyes and stretched. Jimin was looking at him, fawning over his looks, his pouty lips, his puffy eyes, his white milky skin, hi-

"Jiminnie!" he quickly shake off the thoughts.

"Ah nae, hyung? What?"

"I was calling you for so many times" the elder pouted, which Jimin finds it too cute.

"Sorry hyung," he rubbed the nape of his neck, "The others have all went home, let's go now."

Yoongi held out his hands for him to hold, "Palli! Palli! We won't have time to watch the movies!" Jimin smiled up at him, and they went out, hand in hand.

Jimin cherished those moments, the butterflies that he felt on his bellies when Yoongi calls him 'Babe'. The feelings when Yoongi held his hands or ruffled his hair. The warm sweet smile on Yoongi's face. And Yoongi's sweet strawberry scented hair, perfectly matched with his strawberry pink hair.

Jimin loved everything about Yoongi as how Yoongi loved everything about Jimin.

But he didn't know that everything can change in just a few seconds.



"Hyung, come back..."

"I need you."



'I'm sorry'...


Here's the first chapter ..... T.T

Sorry if it was too short, I was kinda having a mental breakdown while I was writing this.

it's so bad and not even interesting. I just wanna hide away. ( TToTT )

Thank you for subscribing and reading this stupid trash .. >.<

Chapter two ... coming soon. ^^

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