Chapter 1: Fear

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Amber eyes darted from left to right, fear coursed her veins making her blood turn to ice in her veins, she was trapped. The white windowless room closed in on her, chest tight, hands shaking for the fear of what was to come. She was curled in the corner, body tightly packed into a ball, shadows hung over her frame only her wide fearful eyes seen in the mist of the darkness. The door creaked opened, her body jumped slightly leading her to hold her body tighter. A large horrid shadow stepped from behind the large heavy steel door, its unsettling long nails dragged along the door leaving rugged deep claw marks in the door. All that was seen were the beady bright eyes of the monster walking into her room. Her eyes begged for her to blink, the burning sensation of her eyes drying out forced her to close them for only a second when her amber eyes frantically scanned the area the monster was gone as well as the deep scratches on the door leaving her regular nurse in its place. He was carrying her tray of food, she hated that food; she hated HIM.

He was handsome, he looked innocent and kind but she knew better. She knew who he really was. Mitch was worse then the monsters in her head, but no one understood, they refused to listen to her after all she was crazy. Fear immobilized her, her body was as heavy as lead. Mitch sneered, he drops the tray on the floor, he expected her to eat it off the ground. He waltzed closer to her cowering form with a small clear cup filled with colorful medication clutched in his hands, dropping to his knees he grips her face roughly. He pushes his thumb and index fingers into her cheeks prying open her mouth open, she couldn't speak any words of protest as he pushes a pill into her mouth pushing it down her throat.

"Take it nice and easy," he hisses pushing the pill deeper "Don't even think about throwing it up" His voice was sing songed, she could see the evil beneath his happy expression. She made a gurgling noise as he finally removed his fingers from her throat, with a harsh smack he tightened his hand over her mouth roughly stroking her throat. She couldn't help but swallow the bitter tasting medication, Verna hated the feelings she got after taking it. She didn't feel like herself, it didn't stop the thoughts or the horror scenes that occurred in front of her, it only made her feel numb, like she was walking on air; her body sluggish. He took his hands from her mouth leaving her coughing harshly as tears of pain weld in her eyes.

"Now be a good little doggy and eat your food" He coo's gripping her pure white hair in his hands and dragging her to where her food laid cold on the dirt covered floor. He shoves her face to the floor nearly breaking her nose by the force, she did as he said her stomach churning from hunger. Mitch laughs satisfied with her torment, he chuckles grabbing the tray and walking out the door she could hear him discussing with the other nurses how she was a disgusting pig and that all she does is beg him to fuck her.

She got onto her feet the medication finally kicking in, she felt sluggish her mind slow and foggy. Shakily she heads back to her corner, head tilted against the wall she watched the room. Black sludge crept from every crack threatening to consume her, she didn't move wishing that the disgusting sludge would devour her as well. She's been here for as long as she could remember, her family unable to deal with the thoughts in her head. Verna couldn't remember the time she was normal, it seemed like she was never sane. Her mind fogged as the black sludge slowly moved closer, it clung to her leg she could feel the slime and goo coating it as it slid higher and more joined it. Verna's head hit the wall in a small thump, she hated how real it felt, no matter how many times she told herself that this was all in her head she couldn't believer herself it was all too real.

'How awful' a horrid voice coo's, it sounded like nails on a chalk board 'No one will ever love you, how awful is that? Not to mention you're stuck in a place like this' cackling it continued to whisper words of hurt, the voice stirred up her doubts and concern as the black goo coated her up to the neck. Fear gripped her, an emotion she felt all too often she let out a shrill scream as the sludge covered her mouth and her face. The sludge climbed into her mouth and down her throat blocking her screams, she felt the sludge fill her body the excruciating pain knocking her out cold.

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