Chapter 9: Help

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Dreamer stayed with her for a few days, she enjoyed being in his arms and he enjoyed holding her. The voices pushed telling her that he would never stay, she believed it but she felt too attached to him. The nightmares stayed but when she screamed out he was there to comfort her, she felt her heart Clench in happiness. Her visions still clouded her mind, the voices bombarding her and leaving her dazed in horror.
'He's gonna leave you' the voice booms in her mind, she weighed the options, leave the man she knew was going to leave her or enjoy the time with him anyways?
'He's gonna leave you and it'll hurt so much more after you fall in love with him' it giggles, love? She was falling in love with him?
'Ohhh that's right! You've never felt love before! Not even from your own parents!' Her breathing hitched, it was right. It was always right. Love was just a myth, only fools believed in it. She wanted to cry, scream, punch something. Anything.
Her head snapped to the door as a small woman with colorful hair walks into the room not bothering to knock, a small equally colorful child follows after her an innocent expression on her heart shaped face.
"Echo? Suzuko?" Dreamers husky voice  sounded from the kitchen doorway he was currently making food, he planned to teach her how to cook, his voice made her want to melt but she willed herself to watch the two new strangers walking in. The woman looked deadly, she would feel power radiating off of her in waves.
"Murderer" she whispered, eyes wide in horror as the woman stops in front of her. The woman raises a pierced eyebrow and let's out a laugh, Echo liked this girl already.
"You could call me that, or you could call me what I normally go by, Echo, the choice is yours though" she laughs bowing slightly.
"You're not gonna.. Hurt me..?" She watched the woman called Echo carefully, she feared the worst.
"Hurt you?" She laughed once more clutching her stomach "God no! You're innocent, you're like a child fresh from the womb but instead of being cradled and loved you were thrown into a pit of your own personal hell" she paused glancing at the child next to her, Verna almost gasped she stared at the child who looked horribly deformed, she had scars deep and gorging all over her body. The colorful child smiled to her not fazed in the least, she wanted to hold the child and make all the pain go away.
Almost as if she knew what Verna was thinking, Echo picked up the child and handed her to Verna who gladly took her and held her tightly.
"Her names Suzuko, and a lot like you she had a rough childhood. I read a small portion of your file from the mental hospitals records, Darkness got them for me and asked if I would pay you a visit, he thought it was best that we come instead of the shrinks that help the species and I would have to agree" she leaned against the wall making eye contact with dreamer, he looked grateful for her being there, "I have to say after reading your records that Mitch guy is a lowlife"
Verna's head snaps up, she holds back her tears as she tightens her hold on Suzuko. She watched Echo glance at her nails, and run her fingers over them.
"You thought I wouldn't realize that? That I would just blame you? Oh sweetheart trust me I have met quite a few Mitch's in my life," she sat down next to her, Verna curled up against Echo letting out small sobs. Echo throws  packet of pills at Dreamer, while rubbing small circles into Verna's back.
"Dreamer will be giving you pills, only one a day they should help with your visions but make sure to tell him or me of they make you feel sick or not like yourself alright?" Verna nods slowly, a small hope blossoming inside of her, the small hope that someone actually wants to help her.
"Thank you" she managed to get out holding tighter. Dreamer wanted to hold her, comfort her, but he knew it wasn't his place. For the past few days he had spent with her he realized he didn't want to let her go, Dreamer wanted to keep her safe with him.
Dreamer hadn't read her files but he wished he could, he wanted to know who this Mitch was so he could kill him slowly with his bare hands.
"I normally get rid of my frustration and anger by working out and fighting so if you want to join me I'll be happy to teach you," Echo smiles at her, Verna looked up at the colorful woman only to see the danger surrounding her mix with peace and hope. Verna was grateful for this chance, a chance to start again.

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