Chapter 15: ruins

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"Lucifer" Verna smiled, she touched the hand of her misunderstood friend. He watched her with the same emotionless deer skull for a face, allowing her to be close to him.
"Verna.. I am sorry.." that surprised her, she cocked her head to the side Amber eyes watching him curiously.
"Sorry about what?" She waited.
"Your time left here on earth, because of me it had been shortened. I thought I was doing the best for you, giving you the voices and the visions. But I see now that... I was foolish," he pressed his palm to the side of her head watching her lean against it with a smile. The most love he had been given in decades, he had never been given affection like this. Love that never wavered, she didn't want power from him, only to be in his presence. Even when he was in heaven, his father hadn't shown him this love.
"Foolish maybe, but you're learning from your mistake and that's okay. I'm grateful to you, it has given me difficulties but I met dreamer, I met the man I want to give everything to." She smiled, she was at peace, death didn't matter.
"One last thing, I wish to do one last thing for you" his long black fingers moved to his side, a blurry looking portal appeared a chilling familiar scream is heard from it.
She panicked, arms rushing through the misty bubble trying to help.
"You will help soon, remember me and the path will become clear"
Verna glanced to her side, looking at dreamer who slept soundly besides her. She turned, wiggling herself from the bed as quiet as possible.
Tiptoeing down the stairs she stood in the kitchen, looking around for any type of cookbook. Dreamer had asked Justice for a house that they could live in, Verna expression softened, it wouldn't be for very long but she loved that he wanted this. Opening the cabinets she sighed in disappointment, no cookbook. Frowning; she had to figure out how to cook without help.

'Grab eggs, butter, and a pan' a voice whispered softly, Verna paused, trying to place the voice but to no avail. It was a new one; a soft tone that almost sounded as if a bird was chirping in the kitchen. She opened the fridge, quickly grabbing eggs and butter not bothering to question the new voice.

'Careful! Don't burn yourself! 'It chirped in frustration as she turned on the flame of the stove, she placed the pan over it glancing around. Her curiosity overtaking her, movement in the window caught her eye, looking over a small sparrow chirped and softly pecked against the glass. It was careful not to break the frail glass. Verna touched the window, carefully pushing it open, to her surprise the bird bounces in; making itself comfortable next to the stove yet a safe distance from the fire.

"Are you.. That voice?" Verna stumbles over her words, unsure of what to think of the tiny bird that was somehow in her head. Her eyes widen as the birds form begins to change and deform, a small woman took its place; feathers covered her head instead of hair, a small beak stayed where her mouth was and her body a light brown. She gave Verna a wicked look, her beak not able to twist but her deep brown eyes spoke for it.

'Took you long enough' She sighed, shrugging. Small sparrow wings stretched from her back, she took a few moments to clean them carefully with her small fingers. Verna could see the pride she held in her feathers.

"Who are you?" She got down to eye level with the creature, curiosity lacing her features.

'Lala at your service,' She bowed, 'I had made a deal with your... friend, and faé always keep their promises. He asked me to be your guide for the next few days; I was filled in with all the details so leave it to me.' She winked, then proceeded to help Verna make her breakfast for Dreamer. Verna was grateful; she had such wonderful friends.

After trial and error they had managed to make eggs and bacon, Lala grinned and settled herself on Verna's shoulder in the crook of her neck. Verna smiled at the warm of Lala's wings which caressed her skin in almost a loving manner. She placed the plate under his nose, letting him smell the food and almost forcing him to wake up.
Stringing electric blue eyes could be seen as he slowly awoke, he grumbled something under his breath looking gruff and exhausted. His grumpy demeanor quickly changed when he saw her, a smile breaking out on his lips. Dreamer grabbed the plate gently and set it on the table, his hand snaking out to clasp behind her neck and pull her to him for a heated kiss. His tongue swiped against her lower lip, growling for entrance. She gladly gave it to him, letting him devour her mouth in such a way that made her body heat up.
When the kiss broke for air he grinned at her flushed complexion, his large hand touched her cheek gently.
He loved her.

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