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Hey guys! It’s Ashlee! This is my first time doing a story on Wattpad for real. I hope you guys enjoy it!! Love you! Please comment and let me know what you think!

To the right is the trailer!



The warm sun caressed my pale skin as I lay on my towel. I could hear the waves softly crashing along the shore and the seagulls calling out to one another. It was always relaxing to me. This beach has been my life every summer and I’d been here every day for the past two months.

Now there were only two weeks left until school started. This was the school year that I’ve been waiting for; my senior year. Before I knew it, I’d be able to move out of this judgmental town and away from these rich, snobby people.

Let me break it down for you. I live in a small town here in Maine where everybody knows each other. The only problem is that if you’re not rich, you’re not accepted. That person is me. I’m not rich, I may not dress in the most fashionable clothes and I might not have many friends, but that doesn’t stop me from being me. Yes, I get picked on, but do I let that bother me? No, I don’t.

If I don’t let it bother me, you’d probably think that I stand up for myself. Well, you’re way wrong. I don’t respond to anything that is said to me which means the teasing continues. I’ve never had a boyfriend, never been kissed and have never slow danced with anyone. Yeah, you may think I’m a loser, but you’ll learn to love me. Well, at least I hope you will.

All I know is that I’m going to live these last two weeks to the fullest.


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