Chapter Twelve

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*Maddi’s POV*

I sat down at my usual lunch table without getting anything chucked at me. I was a bit surprised. Ever since I started hanging out with Leighton, people have seemed to calm down their attitudes towards me.

“Hey girl,” I heard Leighton’s sweet voice and looked over just to see her sit down next to me.

“Hey,” I smiled. “How’s your first day going?”

“Not too bad. I’m just tired of getting flirted with. These guys here don’t leave you alone!” she giggled. “How about you?”

“To be honest, I am so glad I met you,” I admitted and she laughed. “No, seriously! I haven’t been bothered once since you came into the picture!”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that. Hey, can I have one?” she asked, pointing to my small pack of donuts.

“Sure,” I responded and handed her one.

We were talking and laughing when once again we were rudely interrupted. My brother sat down next to me and stole my last donut.

“You must be the new girl everyone’s been talking about,” he put on his flirty smile.

“Yeah, and what’s it to you?” she questioned, snottily. I snickered.

“You should really come over and hang out with us. You’ll have much more fun with us than with this piece of trash here,” he said, pointing at me.

Tears immediately welled in my eyes, but I held them back. I turned around and stood up, facing him. I punched him in the cheek and he gripped his face.

“Ow! What the fuck sis?” he screamed at me.

“Wait a second, she’s your sister?” Leighton asked.

“Yeah,” he replied.

“You son of a bitch! I can’t believe you talk to your sister like that!” she shrieked and slapped him across the face. She then came up to me and grabbed me by the waist. “Come on Maddi, let’s get out of here.”

Once we entered the hallway, I burst into heart wrenching sobs. She brought me to the bathroom and I collapsed on the floor in tears. But she sat beside me, comforting me the whole entire time. When I finally calmed myself enough, I got up and washed my face.

“Don’t worry about it. He’s not worth your tears,” she said, stroking my back. “I can’t believe he would say that to his sister.”

“Now you see what I have to deal with 24/7,” I said.

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