Chapter 4- Wait What?

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Chapter 4- Wait What?

I froze. "Stole?"

"Yes, you piece of shit. I stole you from your real parents," the whore sneered. "Your father should've married me instead of that bitch that's your mother."

I lunged for her, hitting her head against the desk and began to punch her. After turning her face bloody, I was finally pulled off her.

"You kept me around for almost eighteen years because my father chose someone better than you?" I spat. "Come on, you could've just sent a ransom note."

"I wanted them to feel the pain of losing something precious," she responded spitting out blood. "I wanted the wealthy lifestyle he could've given me."

I snorted. "No wonder. You're just a greedy bitch."

"I want you both to leave before I call the police," Ms. Willz spoke up.

The drunk stood up, fixing his jacket. "Good riddance."

"I agree completely with you," I spat as they walked out the door.

Ms. Willz shut the door as I sat down in the same seat the whore vacated looking at the folder. Ms. Willz sat down beside me and took it up.

"Do you want me to read it?" She asked tentatively.

I nodded. I was scared at what she might find. I held my breathe as she read the first page. She looked up at me shocked.

"What?" I asked. "What is it?"

"Briella, you're not just a regular girl," she began as she placed the folder open in front of me, "but you're the princess of Greece. Your parents are King Klaud and Queen Rebecca."

I looked down at the folder in disbelief but it was there a picture of me with my parents when I was just born and individual pictures of them. There was even my birth certificate only it was in greek. I took up a page with my name on it; my real name.

Name: Briella Alexis Mexos

D.O.B: January 26th

Parents: Mother- Rebecca Mexos

              Father-Klaud Mexos

Below that was two diary entries. It was in the whore's handwriting.

Dear Diary,

               I cant believe Klaud married that bitch Rebecca when he was suppose to marry me. All she is, is a rich princess who doesn't deserve him. I could've had it all. Money, fabulous clothes, status, cars and the big mansion. I was suppose to be his wife, the one to host the lavish parties he holds and travel all over the world first class. They will pay for my misfortune and I know how.

Dear Diary,

                  I did it! My revenge on Klaud and Rebecca. I stole their precious baby, their princess Briella. She should've been my child. Too bad she's a pain n my ass. As soon as we touch down at the airport, the brat starts crying. God! I thank you I didn't want to have children but I get stuck with one. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all but who the heck cares? Revenge is sweet.

I dropped the file and leaned back I the chair.


"Yes, I know," Ms.. Willz. "This is big Briella. You're the lost princess of Greece."

I laughed. "An emo princess. Ms. Willz?"

"Yeah?" She answered.

"I don't think I'm a emo anymore," I said. "I'm more of a perky Goth like my friend Kymmi."

She patted my arm. "That's good to know. So, what are going to do now?"

I bit my lip thinking. I hugged her. "Give me a week of living at your house before I make anymore new changes in my life."

She nodded. "Okay. Now get to class."

I got up and walked to the door. "Thanks Ms. Willz."

"You're welcome, sweetie," she replied as I closed the door behind me feeling a bit on the happy side.

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