Chapter 2- No more Ms Nice Emo

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Chapter 2- No more Mr Nice Guy 

I parked my car on the far corner of the parking lot where the other Goths were. We tended to stay to ourselves, but were always bullied by most non-Goths, especially me mostly the popular people. I got out and was immediately ambushed by a raven hair beauty who was now crushing me in an enormous bear hug. Kymmi. 

'Kymmi can't breathe,' I said grasping for air. God she was strong. 

'Oops sorry Goth Princess,' she replied letting me go. 

'No prob dude,' I said hugging he tight, 'I missed you where were you last week?' 

'I was in Transylvania,' she replied looking away. 

'Transylvania. Why?' I asked raising an eyebrow. 

'Nothing,' she answered not looking me in the eye. 

I had a feeling she was hiding something. Then I thought back to see who she had to visit in Transylvania. She had no family and no friends there. Then I thought to who I know who lived there. Then I stared at her in her black blouse, black shirt that ended at mid-thigh, fishnet stockings and her suede black heels with makeup immaculately done. She looked like the Goth Princess not me. 

'You didn't did you?' I asked now pissed. She looked at me then looked away again. 'You did!' 

'Please Bree hear me out please,' she pleaded, but I walked away. I did not want to hear anything about HIM. Not now. Not ever. I stopped remembering that I left my book bag in my car. I turned only to bump into a very hard wall covered with a blue and yellow jacket. Oh no Justin McKay the varsity football captain.. 

'Hey Gothzilla,' he said and smirked then pushed me to the ground while Kymmi ran up but was caught by some other jocks and was struggling looking at me. 

'Whatever Justin,' I said getting up, 'just leave me alone.' 

I did not even reach to standing up before he kicked me squarely in the stomach. I let out a cry of pain as slumped to the ground. He and everybody else started to laugh. I spied a stone within arm's reach. I took it up and flung, hitting Justin squarely in the jaw sending him to the ground with a deep wound on his jaw. I got up as the other jocks let go of Kymmi and lunged after me, but I was ready for them. 

I began to put into practise all the Karate moves I have been learning from the dojo on Main Street, (even though I was good the drunk could still get a few good blows at me) and began to rain a series of kicks and punches at them that had them surprised and backing away. For the first time I was energized it was too unreal. They all stopped laughing and stared at me with their jaws literally on the parking lot ground. Kymmi's arms found themselves around me again hugging me fiercely. 

'Bree are you ok?' she asked stepping back to look me over. 

'Except the pain of getting kicked in the stomach,' I answered rubbing my stomach which was now sore, 'I'm feeling pumped.' 

'Good,' she said breathing a sigh of relief, 'you're finally standing up for yourself. I'm really proud of you.' 

'Thanks Kymmi,' I said smiling one of my rare smiles. 

Kymmi gasped then smiled, 'Did you smile at me awhile ago?' 

'Yes. Just say I'm finally free ok?' I replied. 

'Good,' she said then sighed with a tortured expression on her face, 'you should forgive him you know.' 

I stepped back with my arms out. 

'No!' I said with my good mood gone. 

'Bree please,' she pleaded, 'you should know that he,' 

'No Kymmi I want to leave it alone,' I said going to my car with her following closely behind, 'he left after I told him how I feel about him. Ok? End of discussion.' 

'But Bree,' she pleaded once more, 'don't you want to know he feels.' 

'I know what he feels,' I began as I slammed the car door and stomped towards her to look her square in the face in the face, 'he regretted ever knowing a useless piece of shit like me, so he left.' 

Kymmi glared at me, putting her hands on her hips. 

'You know that's not true,' she began. 

'Oh and you should know?' I retorted. 

'Yes I know because I had a decent conversation with him last week,' she replied. 

'Yeah well I don't want to know anything you talked about,' I said walking past her. 

'Did you get his letter?' she asked, 'he said he sent you some to explain.' 

'Yeah well I didn't open them,' I replied, 'I just burnt them.' 

She stopped following me and gasped. 

'Oh Bree,' she moaned but I ignored her and walked into the building. 

(Kymmi's P.O.V) 

'Well I didn't open them,' Bree replied, 'I burnt them.' 

I came to a stop and gasped. I couldn't believe my ears. 

'Oh Bree,' I moaned, but she continued to walk into the school building. 

I knew she was hurting after he left but had no idea it was that bad. It is been a few months now but because of Bree's stubbornness; she still had not forgiven him for going back to Transylvania. I missed out a week of school and went there to confront him for it. It turned out to be not what I expected. I thought he just did not want to be in a relationship but it turns out to be something even bigger than that. I took out my phone and dialled his number. He picked up after the second ring. 

'Hey Kymmi.' 

'Yeah, she didn't take it well that I came to see you.' 


'And she burnt your letters before she read them.' 


'I know. So you're coming here?' 

'Well of course, I love her and I want her to be my Queen.' 

'Ok well I have to go. See you when I see you.' 

'Bye Kymmi!' 


So he was coming here to claim Bree. I thought the day would never come. But he was coming to face to face with a challenge with the ever stubborn Bree. I smiled at the thought as I walked into the building.

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