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Nyiome Renae Smith

I sat at the end of my bed, realizing that I had just graduated from middle school as by the upcoming August I would be starting my life as a freshman in high school. I shook a little at the thought because I heard about what upperclass men do to underclass men and I was such a small person I thought Id get pushed in a locker. I laughed at the thought and pushed it to the back of my head. I knew it wouldnt be too bad because I knew a lot of people who were upperclass men and I had hella freshman friends so I didnt worry too much about it, plus I was sure Id make friends with a lot of people.

I heard a small knock on my room door. As I turned my attention to the door entered my mother and my little sister wasn't too far behind. "NEEEEMOOOOOOOO" I chuckled as my youngest sister Nema ran in and jumped on me. Shes only three and such a hand full. I hugged her little body and tickled her, causing her to laugh. I looked at her and poked my lips out and she did the same giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"You two are so much a like its scary." Nema and I turned our attention to my
mom who was now sitting next to us. Her name was Marie, she stood about 5'4, She was a slim thick, naturally curly hair and was white, black and cherokee india. Where her curly hair came from...nobody knows but my mom believes her father was some kind of islander.

As for me, I inherited both the genes of my mother and father. With my hair down the middle of my back and then if I wash it it'll curl up and looks really good and its thick. I hate trying to flat iron it because it takes so long to do it.

"Nemo, We're going out to dinner. Meet us downstairs in 10 mins." My mother said before hugging me tightly and kissing my cheek multiple times. She rose from my bed and walked out of my room. Nema climbed off the bed and took off running behind my mother closing the door behind herself.

"What to weeearrrr?" I sang as I opened my closet door and entered looking for something to wear. I ended up deciding to just put on a nice dress shirt and a pair of jeans with some flat.

I was in the middle of doing my make up when my phone ringed TBH by PartyNextDoor. I answered the phone and put the person on speaker.

"Miiiiikkeeeeee" I yelled knowing it was none other than my bestfriend Michael.

"Nyioommmeeee" He mocked. I laughed at him.

"Sooo, Joining us for dinner or nah?" U heard him shuffle, so I guess he was getting ready.

"Yaaass girl. I cant miss your graduation dinner." He spoke in a gay voice. I found myself laugh so hard I was almost in tears.

Even though Mike was about to be a junior in high school we've been close since we were younger, I mean we did live two houses down from each other. He's like my big brother in a sense and he's always looking out for me. 

"Fine, fine. Meet me in 5 mins." We said our goodbye and hung up the phone. I walked downstairs to see my family all in the living room talking and having a great time. I smiled at them. My mother, sister and twin brothers Xavier and Alex. My father was somewhere, but he wasn't down here.

"Oh? Thats great! Ill tell her when she comes downstairs. Okay...Alright...Bye." I head my dad say as he came downstairs. As soon as he saw me, his face lit up.

"Whats the news daddy?" I asked giggling at the sight of him smiling like the cool aid man.

"Remember that dance school you wanted to go to this summer but you missed the deadline for applications to audition?" I nodded and waited for him to continue. "Well...someone directed them to one of your dance videos on youtube and they want you to come there to dance."

My mouth dropped open, and I tried to scream but nothing came out, I just fainted.



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