Chapter 5

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This chapter is good. I'm sure you all will love it! Thanks so much to all your support e!! <3 The picture above is of Kalani
I slipped into the black elegant dress Zander gave me and curled my hair. If I was going on a date I might as look the part.

I had Madison help me paint my nails black, then I sprayed some perfume on. Just as I was grabbing my purse I heard a low horn beep.

I sprinted to the door smoothed down my hair and slowly opened the old door. How he got my address is a mystery.. oh wait, he's my boss. I gave him my address on my resume.

I took my time walking to his car. Carefully opening the back seat door.

He gave me a look and said "How old are you, seven? Get in the front." I rolled my eyes and reluctantly closed the back door and opened the front one.

He smiled at me appreciatively and stepped on the gas pedal. About twenty minutes later we pulled into a fancy looking Italian restaurant.

We slowly walked in and approached the waitress at the front desk. Recognition glinted in her eyes.

She nodded her head, and her fingers flied through a reservation book. Quickly she scratched out something and grabbed two menus, she waved us over as she seemingly danced over to a hallway leading to our seats.

She placed the menus and straightened out the pre-laid napkins and danced away.

I sat down and Zander copied my actions. I looked through the menu trying to look occupied. My eyes flitted from option to option.

I finally decided to just get a Ceasar salad with chicken added on. It wasn't too expensive and I sure wasn't allowing Zander to pay for my food.

So I had to decide on something cheap. But everything on the menu was so overpriced, so it was a hard decide whether to even eat at all.

The waitress came back and I ordered water with lemons. When she came back with our drinks, and then asked for our orders.

I told her what I wanted, and Zander gave me a funny look. I ignored the look and stayed silent while he ordered. Once she left Zander began to talk.

"How come you didn't order something better? I know you don't get out much. If it's the money your worried about, there's no need to worry. I have plenty of that." He said

"Well I don't." I snapped a little to harshly. He gave me a confused look. He thought he was paying. No way.

"I'm paying for my food. No arguments." I stated before he could say anything. He stayed silent, opening his mouth to refuse but then he closed it.

He had to be planning some kind of scheme. He never gave up on anything for the whole time I've known him this quickly.

Zander abruptly changed the subject.

"I was thinking about a house." He said making no sense what so ever.

"Excuse me?" I asked completely confused.
"For some of my employees." He was talking about buying me a new house. No way, was he serious?!

"I'm sure your employees are fine as they are." I replied. Not wanting him to know I caught on to who he was talking about specifically.

He seemed lost in a train of thought. Then he talked again.

"I'll do what I want, if you- er the employees don't agree to move they will be fired."
He was going to fire me! So now I was moving.

Though a nice house would be okay. Just that it was a house from Zander was not so assuring.

"I'm sure I'll be very happy in my new home." I replied sarcastically. Then the food arrived ending our conversation.

The waitress set down our plates and flew away. Not really but she seemed so peppy and energetic. I ate my food quickly and pulled out a credit card.

Zander eyes boggled but he said nothing. When he finished his food I figured the waiter would be here soon for us to pay.

Zander dropped his glass and got liquid all over his pants. He silently sweared and asked me to get some napkins.

I rushed off to grab some napkins. Just as I was walking into the bathroom I glanced back at Zander.

My mouth dropped wide open. The waitress was there. He was paying for me, he spilled his drink on purpose! That sneaky little..

I sprinted back to the table out of breath and the waitress smiled, and was off. I glared at him not daring to speak yet.

He had a sly smile on his face with victory written all over it. I gave him a deathly stare and then looked away.

The waitress came back to our table and handed him the receipt. Once we got into the car I went into a rampage.

"Zander I told you I would pay for my own gosh darned meal!!" I practically screamed.

"Well I'm the gentleman who pays for his dates meal." He replied calmly.

"I am not your date!" I yelled not as loud as before with more exasperation than anger in my voice.

"Well then what do you call yourself then?" He snapped back. He looked as if he regretted it instantly.

I had to give it to him, he was such a gentleman. And he did treat women nicely. Well.. at least he does now.

He didn't so much when he was younger.

"I call myself a girl who's job was threatened and who was forced out to dinner to keep her job that she desperately needs."

Zander eyes had sorrow, sympathy, and maybe regret in them. His voice softened.

"You know if you let me I could help you out a little more. I've changed I swear. I've told you how sorry I am a million times." He softly almost whispered like.

I had just told him I needed this job desperately. What did I do? I didn't know what to say.
So I did the only thing I could do, have sass and not give a crap about what he just said.

Even though it meant the world to me. It showed how much he cared.

"Well I don't want your help" I lied as I snapped.

Zander said no more. His eyes were deeply saddened. I felt terrible about how I responded to his kind words.

We pulled into my house. And I did something I would've never done in a million years. I leaned over and gave him a hug.
Just a quick one.

"I forgive you Zander." I whispered quietly in his ear. Then I left and sprinted to my apartment before he could respond. I didn't even know if I even truly forgave him inside.

I had to run before he got hurt. The last thing I wanted was for the curse to get him too.

But I felt as if I needed say something to make him feel better, after what I did.

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