Chapter 19

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Enjoy! This is in Katani's POV
The hospital bed I lay in is cold. People keep coming in to check on me. I asked them why I'm here and they just give me a sad look.

I've been here for weeks on end now, and I haven't gotten a single piece of information as to how I got here and why Alex won't come to get me out of this hell hole.

A strange Man by the name of Zander keeps coming in to check on me, he doesn't even work here!

Zander keeps asking me weird questions. He thinks that we know each other. Sometimes he'll come in and just stare at me. Everyday I ask him where Alex is, usually I get no reply, but today was different.

"When's Alex coming?" I ask for the fifth time, Zander gives me a look.

"Tomorrow." He whispers. When he says the words a saddening look fills his face.

"Really! That's amazing. Won't you help me get ready so I look pretty for him?" It sounds childish even to myself as I say the words. But I just couldn't help it, I was so Overjoyed that I was finally going to see Alex.

"You already look beautiful." He mumbles and walks out. I buzz for the nurse, and a small lady comes in.

"I need some makeup, a dress, a hairbrush, and some jewelry." I order.

"Why miss?"

"Because Alex, my boyfriend is coming!" I exclaim.

The nurse freezes, her face says it all. That's the face everyone's been giving me when his name is brought up. She doesn't say anything but she nods her head, and snaps out of the trance she was just in.

A minute after the nurse leaves I hear a yell and a pound outside. It sounded like a very angry person hitting the wall.

My vision is blurred for a second when a figure suddenly appears in my room. I thought for a second it might be Alex, but it was Zander. He looked very angry.

"Alex is not your boyfriend." He protests.

"Who are you to me to say that to me, my father?

"No. Your boyfriend."

I laugh. I actually laugh first time in what seems like forever. This man is hilarious.

"Get out please." Is all I can manage to say in between breaths.

An hour later, the doctor comes in to tell me it's lights out. I start to protest but then I remember what tomorrow has in store for me.

Alex is coming.

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