Chapter 20

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Hello!!! Enjoy this chapter, it'll be a long one to make up for the short one a few days ago. Im not sure how to carry out this part of the story.. so i hope you like whatever I'm about to spend 3 hours writing lol. 

Oh this is in Katanis point of view!


The sun blazes through the hospital blinds, when I open my weary eyes, I wonder why the sun is up this early.. WAIT THE SUN IS UP!!! Shoot, I overslept. I need to get ready for Alex, he'll be here soon. 

..................... soon after

I look in the mirror to see a smiling grin staring back at me. I view my reflection as a stranger that looks just like me. Her dark, blue orbs stare intently at me with an unfamiliar shine. A large grin beams from her face contently. I almost forget this beautiful person is me. My blonde tresses are tightly curled and pulled to the side held by a jewel filled clip. 

 My outfit makes my smile grow even bigger. I turn from the mirror and look down at my flowy mint green summer dress. A knock on the door captures my attention and I turn to see the familiar, but not so familiar Zander. Its odd.. I feel like I know him but I know I don't, I would remember a striking figure such as himself. 

He comes in and stares, like always. This time, though his stare is different. He looks like a proud father. I break the awkward silence.

"Watchya staring at grandpa?" 

"Somebody beautiful ." He gushes. I chuckle, but I know if Alex was here he'd be upset with my flirtatious attitude. Before I can reply a man's deep voice bellows through the hallway. I know who it is.

'You need to go.' I rush Zander out the door. Just in time, because here he is. 


I run up to him, and pull him into a tight hug and attack him with kisses. He looks completely taken aback by this, but his lips begin to move in sync with mine. We keep doing this for several minutes before I have to break the kiss or we'd never stop. 

'I missed you so much!" I excite. Alex raises his eyebrows and smirks. I love him so much.

"You did?" He asks, stepping forward.

"Of course, you're my boyfriend." 

"Thats right.. I was- I mean am."  He stutters. His lips curl into something nasty. I don't mind though, he's mine. I motion the doctors to leave and they give me a worried look. I stare at them with all my power and force them with my eyes, to leave.  

The doctor finally mumbles and sulks away. They never could leave me alone. But I wasn't alone, Alex was here, and he would ever hurt me. 

Before I speak Zander walks into the room. His face is mangled into a nasty twist, like an old tree. He looks dead on at Alex with the most venomous look I've seen. 

"Hey Zander!" I smile at him, trying to keep him calm. I don't know what he has against Alex. Alex looks angered by me talking to him. Alex doesn't say anything though, he just tightens his fists into a ball.

"Hey Katani, missed you." He smiles, he's trying to make Alex angry. Clearly, it's working because Alex is no longer silent, he stares at me in shock as if I just killed his mother.

"Katani. Did you sleep with this pungent man?!" He spits.

"What! No never!!! I love you Alex.."

"What. Did. I. Say... about lying to my Katani Rose Greenbrier." He is in a full on rage now. Panic begins to set in. He's very angry, I've never seen him like this, or at least not anything that I can remember.

"Im not lying!!" I yell. I never saw what was coming next. Alex pulled out a pocket knife and clicked it open. The sound of that click sets an alarm off somewhere deep within me. The moment that click happened, everything came back to me in an instant. The abuse, Zander, Alex attempting to kill me,  Alex in Jail, meeting Zander again, getting the job and house.. all of it.

I scream a blood shrilling scream that ought to set off an alarm of security men rushing to my room. I can mouth one sentence before everything stops in a blink of an eye.

"He's back."


I think that was the best chapter I've ever written! what did you think??

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