Chapter 9

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"I think we should just order Chinese." I say laughing as Idella tries to cook.

"Please, Pepper, it's going to be delicious." I laugh even harder and she sticks her tongue out at me. I try and compose myself for a minute, before we both burst out in laughter. Idella is still shaking with laughter when a burning smell wafts through the small kitchen.

"The pizza!" I shout, and she immediately rushes into action, pulling the burnt pizza from the oven. My laughter fills the small apartment as she sets the pizza on the counter in defeat.

"Maybe we should order Chinese." She tells me in defeat. I nod in agreement as she reaches for the takeout menu I got out earlier. But before she can grab it, the shrill sound of the phone ringing fills our ears. I lunge for it, hoping it's Adalyn bringing news about Aurora, but it's only her assistant from earlier.

"What, Graham?" I ask with a sigh.

"Why are you always so agitated to hear from me? Anyway, Adalyn wants to see you and Idella in her office." I cast Idella a concerned look, and see her eyes are filled with worry -behind a poker face- too.

"Okay... We'll be right down... " I look over to Idella again and find her mouthing the words ask why. "Graham, do you know why we need to-" But he hangs up before I can finish.

"I guess we better go put our shoes on."

"Yeah, I guess." I say with a sigh. I shove my shoes on my feet and follow Idella into the hallway. "Do you think it's about Aurora? I mean, we've been here for like, 2 weeks and Adalyn still won't let us see her."

"She's probably doing it for your own good. It might be best to let both of you rest."

"How am I supposed to rest when I'm going out of my mind with worry?" We stop at the elevator in silence; although, Idella seems to have a lot she wants to say.

"You really care about her, don't you?"

"We care about each other. I'm sure she would be reacting the same way if we were in switched positions." Idella gives me a small smile as we walk onto the elevator and press the button to go to the top floor.

"Even from knowing Aurora this short time, I'm pretty sure she would have tried to fight her way through every guard in this place."

"Do think she would have made it?" I ask with a laugh, trying to imagine Aurora fighting her way through the halls.

"I think there's a 50% chance that they'd either let her through or she'd get through them." We both laugh as the elevator opens, showing Graham with a stressed expression.

"What's the matter, Graham?" He breathes in sharply and grimaces.

"It's Aurora, she-" But I don't let him finish before I'm trying to shove past him.

"I swear to God Graham, if you don't let me through I will knock you out and lock you in a janitor's closet for the rest of the week." He squeaks in fear, but still doesn't let me past. "Okay, you asked for it." I bring my hand up, but Idella stops me.

"Let him speak before we make rash decisions, Pepper." I yank my arm out of both of their grips and cross my arms.

"Fine, but I better see Aurora today."

"You will, later tonight. But right now, Adalyn wants to brief you and Idella on your story for when you get back to school Monday."

"What do you mean briefed? Is there a long story to tell?"

"Everyone thought you missing for about 4 days until we could get to your parents."

"What?! I thought you guys said you handled it?"

"We did, after 4 days."

"Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? That's not handling it!" He opens his mouth to say something, but Adalyn comes out of her office and interrupts him.

"What is all this shouting about?"

"Graham told me that everyone thought I was missing for a week."

"Yes, but, your Mother has been telling everyone who asks that you and Aurora were mugged. Which means that you have to fake injury. So if you could hurry and come into my office, we're going to get started with that." I nod tensely and follow Adalyn and Idella into the room. "You're probably going to use a leg brace and crutches for a while, and we're going to be applying some fake scars to your face and arms." She gestures toward the seats in front of her desk as she sits down behind it. I sit in the seat and sigh deeply.

"Do we have to use crutches? I mean, aren't those a little uncomfortable?" She nods and starts clicking on her keyboard again.

"We could put you in a wheelchair, but you'd have to wear a cast and an arm sling. It's your choice."

"I think I'll with the wheelchair." She nods and types on her computer some more, before looking up at us again.

"Okay, so you're story is that after your date with Aurora at the fair-"

"It wasn't a date." I interject before I can stop myself. She gives me a peculiar look and a smirk, but then makes an impassive face again.

"Okay, so on your way home from your 'hang out' with Aurora, you were mugged. Aurora tried to protect you, but she was beaten up and knocked out, okay? She has a cast on her right leg that goes up to her upper thigh and crutches. She also has a number of scars along her face and arms."

"And what are we going to say about the missing thing?"

"That they kidnapped you, afraid that you would call the cops and identify them."

"And that doesn't sound a little unbelievable to you? I mean, you'd have to be a little bit credulous to believe that." She smiles a little.

"I was hoping people would be too overcome with sympathy to deny it." I nod once, and start to get up out of my chair. "Hold on, there's one more thing before you go. We think, since we now know that The Organization knows you're going to be the next leader, that it would best to send some... extra protection. Idella will be joining you at Grimsley High."

"What?!" Idella and I shout in unison.

"No way, I graduated 2 years ago, and I definitely don't need that experience. Especially because I don't have that power that The Organization put in the kids of that school."

"Wait, what? The Organization gave me my power?" Adalyn opens her mouth to say something, but Idella interrupts her.

"You haven't connected the dots yet? You're just another pawn in their experiments."

Hey guys!  Sorry I'm a day late, but my family was sick so I had to do a bunch of extra chores!  I'm also sorry that this is sorta a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway, and I promise that the next chapter will be better!  As always, thanks so much for reading this, and I appreciate constructive criticism in the comments! 

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