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*This Morning*

I feel great, besides the fact that I had to get out of my oh-so-comfortable bed. "I'll come back for you," I say to the bed. I go to the bathroom and start getting ready by brushing my teeth and taking a shower. I put more effort into an outfit today, considering the day it is. Today is my first date with my boyfriend, Jackson.

It's Friday and Jackson asked me out Monday. We've known each other for a few months now. Our teacher assigned us to be partners for a project and then we became friends. You know the rest.

I decide to wear my date outfit to school since the date is right after school. Jackson is taking me but I don't know where; all I know is to wear something casual. I pick out black skinny jeans with holes, a white tank top paired with a jean jacket, and my burgundy Vans. I straighten my hair and put on some eyeliner and mascara. Just as I finish getting ready, I hear a horn outside: Katelin.

I grab my book bag and head out the door. I get into the car and greet my best friend, "Hey, Kate." "Hey, Rox." We stop by McDonald's and drive to hell... aka school. My day didn't go so well from there...


I'm pretty pissed right now, considering where I am. I am sitting in a desk in the detention room... missing my date. I groan and take out my phone to text Jackson.

Roxanne: Hey, sorry. Can't make it to the date. Stuck in detention. Call you tonight with the details.

Jackson: It's fine. I know what happened. Word travels fast here. We'll definitely have to take a raincheck, thoe ;)

I smile as I read the words on the screen. I hear shuffling at the other side of the room, but don't look up. I'm still smiling as I start to take out my headphones. "What the hell are you smiling about, Peterson?" I hear someone ask with a sneer. I don't even have to look up to know who it is. It's the Idiot who got me in here. "None of your damn business, Parker. Leave me alone." "Awee, is the wittle baby sad that she's stuck in here with the hottest man alive?" I hear the smirk in his voice. "No. I'm pissed because you are an Idiot and caused me to miss my date. It's your fault I'm even in here." I glare at him. "Darling, don't be ridiculous. I don't control if you punch me or not." "Keep talking and I'll give you a bruise on the other side of your face," I spit out.

*Earlier in Class*

As I walk into Mrs. Henry's math class, I immediately choose a seat in the back. I'm starting to get a headache. Pretty soon after, The Idiot walks in with a skanky looking, half-naked girl hanging on his arm. Ewh. For some odd reason, he walks up to me and glares. "Can I help you, Parker?" I sneer. "Actually, yes, dear Roxie. You see, I couldn't help but notice that you're in my seat." I gesture to the desk. "Oh this thing that looks exactly like every other one in the room? I don't see your name on it. Can you point to where it says 'Dickface'?" I ask and inwardly high five myself. He growls. "Get the hell out of my seat, Peterson. You don't wanna mess with me." "Lemme think about it.." I pretend to ponder it. "...uhh, no," I deadpan. "I think you can live one period without being able to sit by all the skanky little rats that you suck face with." "That's it!" he yells. He immediately raises his hand from where he's standing. "Excuse me, Miss?" he asks the teacher. "Yes, Mr. Parker, what is it?" she replies in an annoyed tone. "Well I have a problem. This bitch won't –" Before he can finish his sentence, I punch him in the jaw, knocking him down along with the skanky rat holding onto him. "Don't ever fucking call me that again, Asswipe." I sneer.

 I start to sit down in my seat and Mrs. Henry starts screaming. "That is enough! Both of you have after school detention today, no excuses!" She roars. Silence fills the room. That class period ruined my entire Friday and I thought I could never hate Roman Parker any more than I already did. It was completely impossible. I was wrong.


He took a small step back as if he thought I was actually going to hit him again. I inwardly laughed but kept a straight face. He then smirked and stepped closer. "Darling, if you were actually going to hit me, then you would have done it already. I think I'll sit right next to you just because you threatened me." I roll my eyes. "You must have a death wish," I mumble before shoving my headphones in my ears and looking out the window.

He keeps poking me in the side and I'm trying to ignore it. I can't take it any longer. "If you don't fucking stop, I will castrate you, you Asshole." He grins. "Watch your language, Peterson," warned the detention teacher. I don't know his name. "Oh bite me," I mumbled. "What was that? You want another detention?" "I said 'bite me'. And it's not like you'll actually give me another detention because everyone knows you didn't volunteer for this job and you would rather be sitting at home watching some dumb ass tv show, eating." Before he has time to respond, I shove my headphones back into my ears, turn up my music loud af, and put my head down.

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