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After I finish my sandwich, I walk back into the livingroom to see Roman putting makeup on Mik's face.  "No!" I scream.  They both look up.  "You'll ruin her gorgeous face," I explain.  "Nah, I've had practice at this," Roman states.  I look at him weirdly then start to laugh.  "N-no, I'm j-just kidding.  C'mon, Roxie, stop it," he pleads.  I continue to laugh, wildly.

Mom: Hey, are guys doing okay?

Roxanne: Yeah, are you having fun with your friends?

Mom: Yeah, but I'll be home late.  Don't wait up.

That night Mikkey went to bed early.  She was really tired, so after I had her shower, she got into pyjamas and went to sleep.  Roman sang her a lullaby and she fell asleep pretty quickly.  "Who knew you were so good with kids," I say to him.  "Now, that, I've actually had practice with.  I have a little sister of my own."  "Oh, where is she?  With your parents?"  "Yeah."

We're watching Dirty Dancing, a favorite of mine.  "Nobody puts Baby in a corner," says Johnnie.  I squeal, as it's my favorite part.  Roman is looking down at his phone and is frowning.  His expression suddenly turns to anger.  I pause the movie and turn to him.  "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask.  He looks at me for a second, his expression changing to guilt.  It leaves as quickly as it came.  "Nothing," he says quickly.  I don't push any further.

Around two in the morning, there's a knock on the door.  "Who could that be?" I wonder aloud.  Roman's face changes to anger... again.  "Do you know who's at the door, Roman?  Tell me."  "Come see for yourself," is all he says as he walks fast to the door.  He opens it and immediately punches the person in the face.  I'm guessing it's a guy.  I run to the door to see Jackson lying on the ground, his face all bloody.

"What the hell did you do that for?!?!" I scream at Roman.  Jackson looks up at me.  "Hey, babe," he says weakly.  Roman doesn't answer but instead holds out his phone for me.  There's a video flashing on the screen.  I take it and stare in horror as I watch Jackson dancing with a random girl.  Then he leans down and starts to make out with her.  I start shaking, my lip trembling.  How could he do this to me?  Is it because I wouldn't go to the party with him?  I don't deserve this.  I slowly give the phone back to Roman, trying not to break it.  I'm shaking so much, I think I might.

I walk up to Jackson and stare down at him for a second.  "Aren't you gonna call the cops.  He can't just hit me like that," says Jackson.  "Stop being a pussy.  You deserved it, you Asshole.  How could you do that to me?!" I scream.  I don't give him time to answer before I kick him, hard, where the sun doesn't shine.  "Owh, you fucking bitch!" he screams, rolling over into a fetal position.  "We're done!  Never come back here!  I'll make you pay!"  I back away and go inside, slamming the door.

On my way upstairs, I hear one of them scream in pain.  I know it has to be Jackson, and for that I feel somewhat happy that Roman did that for me.  I look out my window and watch the scene.  Roman is punching him in the face and gut.  Jackson falls down the stairs and Roman yells, "And don't ever come near her or me ever again, or I'll make you regret it... starting with kicking your ass... again!"

I hear a car door slam and tires screeching on the road.  Right after, there's a knock on my bedroom door.  I don't answer, but the person comes in anyways.  I feel my bed dip down and don't look at the person.  I know that it's Roman.  "I'm sorry," he says.  "That's what I saw on my phone.  I didn't want to tell you.  I didn't know he was coming until a few minutes before he actually did.  One of my friends warned that he was on his way."  For a second he is silent, before speaking again.  "If he comes near you again, he has a death wish... and I'll fulfill that wish if you want me to.  I'll protect you from him.  Like I said before, I still care about you."

I don't go to sleep after that.  I decide to raid my mom's alcohol.  I need to take the pain away.  I leave Roman in my room and walk downstairs, his footsteps soon following.  I grab a glass and take vodka from the cabinet.  "What are you doing?" he questions.  "I need to take the pain away.  I can't do this right now.  Don't try to stop me.  It won't work.  Just let me do this."  He never says a word.

I've drank about two and a half cups of vodka and am starting to feel fuzzy.  My throat is hot and I feel like I'm floating.  I stand up to walk around and stumble.  My feet come off the ground and I wince and wait for the impact with the hard, wooden floor but it never comes.  Instead, I land in a pair of really strong arms.  I look up to see that it's Roman.  "I thought you vere goin to beeeeddd..?" I slur.  "I told you I'd watch over you and take care of you."  I start to gag and Roman carries me to the bathroom.

As I puke all the contents of my stomach into the toilet, Roman holds my hair and rubs my back.  When I'm finished, I brush my teeth and try to walk to my room, but start stumbling.  He picks me up bridal style and carries me to my room.  He lays me down and covers me.  He gets up and heads to the door but my voice stops him, "No, Roman, can you stay with me?  Please?"  Without an answer he walks back to me and lays beside me.  "Thank you.  I owe you," I say to him.  "No problem, BabyDoll."  He kisses the side of my head and I fall asleep in his arms.

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