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I suddenly have this sharp pain in my side, like someone is consistently poking me. "Fuck off," I mumble. "Babe, get up. Unless you want to sleep in the detention room tonight. C'mon." I'm still in the state where I'm half awake and can't move. Kind of like I'm in a coma. I mumble incoherent words and then feel myself being lifted. I feel like I'm flying. I still can't move. I must have been really tired. I'm finally able to open my eyes to see Roman staring down at me with an unreadable expression. "Hello, sleepyhead. You must be a really heavy sleeper. I'm currently carryin-" "Put me down." He sets me down and hands me my stuff. I start walking towards the exit doors when I hear him yell, "A 'thank you' would be nice." In response, I flip him off not even turning around.

When I get outside, the sky is a nasty grey color and it's thundering. "Damnit." I forgot that Kate can't pick me up because she is babysitting, Jackson is at Baseball practice, and I don't have a car. My life is so great. I start to tread home and hear Roman's motorcycle start, he's revving it up. Show off. Just then it starts to rain. I don't mean the light drizzle that always starts the rain off... the harmless pellets of wet driplets. I mean out of fucking nowhere, it's pouring... hard and loud af. Just great. I hear Roman's motorcycle slow beside me. "Hey, BabyDoll, why don't you let me give you a ride? It'll get you home faster." "No, thanks. I think you've helped out enough today." "Roxanne... just get on the bike. C'mon, it's pouring. Roxy, I'm serious." I look at him for a second before I start walking towards my house.

I hear his bike shut off, but ignore it. Suddenly I'm upside down and his ass is right in my face. I let out a high pitched scream. "Put me down, Roman. Oh my god. What the hell!" He places me on the bike and says, "You have no choice, Babe. I'm taking you home." I groan. "Stop calling me pet names." "Whatever, Sweetcheeks." "Ewh, stop." He pulls out a helmet... only one helmet. I clear my throat. "Umm, is there one for me? I don't want to die..." "It's for you, genius. I don't wear one, but I always keep an extra on me." "Wow, that's dumb." "Whatever," he grumbles, handing me the helmet. I put it on and he starts the bike, causing me to jump. He yells something I can't hear. "What?!" I yell. He suddenly grabs my hands, scaring the shit out of me. He places them around his torso. "Umm, I don't think so." I put my hands on his shoulders. "Well I guess you have a deathwish then. Trust me, you should wrap them around me... so you don't fall." I reluctantly move my hands down to his torso. I go agonizingly slow and he tenses. I chuckle inwardly. As soon as I wrap my arms around him, we're speeding down the road.

I've never ridden on a motorcycle, but I don't let Roman know that. I squeeze my eyes shut and wrap my arms tighter around him unintentionally. He chuckles. "You scared, Sweetpea?" I scoff. "No." I finally decide to open my eyes and start enjoying the ride. When we arrive to my house, I get off quickly and grab my stuff. "Thanks for the ride, Dickface." I almost smile. He actually did something nice for me. He blinks the raindrops from his eyelashes and shakes it out of his hair. He looks up at me and half smiles. "Anytime, Baby Doll. Later." I roll my eyes as he speeds off. I run inside trying to avoid any more rain.

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