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I wake up to the smell of bacon.  I love bacon.  I open my eyes to see that I am alone on the couch.  Where did Roman go? I sit up and see Mikkey walking towards me.  "Good Morning, gorgeous," I greet her.  "Good Morning, best person ever!" she yells.  She's in a good mood.  I am too, for some odd reason.  The pain in my head has gone away.  I feel my head to see if there is a bump, and sure enough, there is.

I walk into the kitchen to see... Roman cooking.  "I thought you were my mom...?"  "Nah, I offered to cook.  It's a hobby of mine."  "Since when can you fit cooking into your schedule of school and skanky rats at your house?" I ask, amused.  "Nice to know that's what you think of me.  I also play guitar and volunteer at an animal shelter," he tells me.  I'm actually surprised, but don't let it show.   "Where is my mom, anyway?"  "She said she had to the bank and then to meet up with some friends.  I got a hold of my parents.  They're out of town.  I have a key to my car, now.  They told me where to find our hidden car key.  It has no gas, but it does have clothes.  Your mom said I could stay a few days, if it's okay with you," he finishes.

Him... stay at my house... for a few days... Oh mom, what did you do?  "Well, what she says goes.  I have no choice in the matter.  I guess we'll have to learn to tolerate each other until you leave.  She didn't find us on the couch together, did she?"  "No, I was already awake.  I like to wake up early." Who would've thought.  He finishes breakfast and Roman, Mikkey and I eat.  We have bacon, pancakes, and eggs.  This food is amazing.  He should become a chef.

"That was actually really good," I tell him.  "Thanks."  I get up and put my dishes in the sink and head upstairs to get dressed.  My phone dings, signaling I got a text and I look to see who it is. 

Jackson: Knock, Knock.

Roxanne: Who's there?

Jackson: Your date.  Be ready in 20. See you soon ;)

I smile and hurry to get ready.  I throw on some blue skinny jeans, a sleeveless band t-shirt with BRING ME THE HORIZON on it, black high top converse, and a black beanie.  I leave my hair natural for the beanie and put on a little bit of makeup.  I wear eyeliner, mascara, and chapstick.  I grab my phone and jean jacket and head downstairs.

On my way downstairs, I hear a knock on the door.  I walk towards the door to answer, but Roman beats me to it.  When I reach the door, they're glaring at eachother.  "What the hell is he doing here!?" Jackson growls.  "He needed somewhere to stay while his parents are out of town.  My mother adores him and she thinks me and him are still friends.  We're not.  Babe, don't worry.  Now, let's go."  I start to walk past Roman and he grabs my arm.  "Where do you think you're going?  You expect me to just watch Mikkey by myself?  What will I say to your mom when she comes back?"  "Yes, you can watch her for a little while and I don't know, figure it out.  You owe me.  You ruined yesterday's date, so you owe me this one."  "We won't be too long, so, you'll be fine, Parker," says Jackson.

"Where are we going?" I ask Jackson.  "To a party," is his reply.  I'm really not in the mood for a party.  And what kind of first date is this.  "So is this supposed to be our first date?"  "No... I'm just kidding.  I'm taking you out to lunch.  I thought you might enjoy that.  Then we can maybe go to the mall or something, I don't know.  I didn't really plan ahead after lunch."  He looks a little embarrassed.  "Awe, it's so sweet that you would do this for me," I beam.

We eat at Olive Garden.  I get the Chicken Fettuccini, my favorite.  When we leave, we head to the mall.  The first place I drag him to is Hot Topic.  I look at tons of band merch and end up leaving with six wristbands -all with band names or lyrics on them-, three shirts, a choker necklace, and a beanie.  I love beanies.  Jackson doesn't get anything.  He doesn't even look that happy to be here.

We go to a few other places and then get in the car to head home.  "I had a lot of fun, thank you for this."  He smiles.  "Would you maybe want to go to a party with me tonight?"  I'm not really in the mood. "I'm sorry, I have to babysit my sister.  My mom is hanging with some friends."  "Oh, okay."  He drops me off and kisses me before I get out of the car.  It's not my first kiss, but not my best kiss either.  It didn't mean that much to me, honestly.  It was like he felt forced to or something.  When I get inside, I see Roman with makeup all over his face.  "What the hell?!"  "Oh.. hey.." he laughs nervously.  "Your sister wanted to play Princesses."  I laugh and walk into the kitchen to make a sandwich.

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