Chapter III

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Byung Ho looked out at the big forest. It was a reasonable quiet day, other than the birds singing in the trees. Cheol had shown Byung Ho this lookout a few years back, when Jun first became a commander. He usually brought Byung Ho up here  for quiet time, away from the pack. Usually, Cheol and Byung Ho would sit and talk about things like stories from Cheol's childhood and old tales that went through the pack. Cheol even shared stories about his mate, before she passed away. The lookout over looked the entire valley, and was quite some distance from home. That is why Byung Ho enjoyed sitting there. The lookout was also a while away from the tree that caused Cheol's death, and Byung Ho could see it from there. After all, it was the tallest tree in the forest. But Cheol's death was an accident, and unexpected. A terrible accident, in fact because now Shang was leader. In some ways, Byung Ho wished Jun was chosen as leader. Jun and Cheol were close, but not blood related in any way, which was the problem. Jun would've been a better leader. Quietly, Byung Ho climbed down from the lookout, and headed to the training yard. Muta was teaching him some attack moves for if he needed them, and Byung Ho was extremely excited.

"Byung Ho, welcome to your first training session!" Muta greeted, with a cheery grin on his chubby face. Byung Ho wave. "Hi Muta!!" He exclaimed. Muta smiled, as he pulled out a spear. "So, you ready for some intense training, my boy?" He asked, in a pirate sort of accent. "Of course, Muta my old pal!" Byung Ho replied, grabbing the spear off Muta. "Alright then, let's get to it!" Muta chuckled.

Shang headed to his cave from training when he noticed Muta training with the same boy who was apparently Jun's brother. He didn't exactly look like Jun, nor did he resemble either of his parents. There was a strange familiar vibe that the boy gave off when Shang was near him. He did somewhat look like Shang's father, with his super light blonde hair. He even had Shang's mother's green eyes. Shang gasped at the thought. "It can't be possible... can it?" He ran in the direction of his cave, as fast as he could.

He walked up and down inside his cave. Shang didn't even know Jun's parents had a second child, he always thought that Jun was an only child. "Jun's parents died years ago, the same year that boy was probably born!!" Shang exclaimed to himself. He thought it impossible, considering the boy didn't look like the couple- whom he remembered quite fondly. "That is obviously a lie!!  All that stupid kid reminds me of is my own parents, not Jun's!!" He yelled. "You know, yelling at yourself will not solve your problem, or help you in the least." Shang quickly turned around. "H-How long have you been standing there?" He asked, cautiously. "Only a few seconds, sir." The man replied. "Who... are you even?" Shang asked the large man. "My name is Ling." The man said smiling. "I am your assistant." He continued. He was short, with dark beady eyes, and a small greedy looking smiled. "So... then you must have been assistant to my brother, correct?" Ling nodded. "Then you must have known everything about him?" Shang smiled as the man nodded again. "Tell me... did Cheol ever have any offspring before his poor mate died?" He asked, looking at Ling curiously. Ling nodded. "One son, sir. But it is unknown what happened to him after his birth, sir." Ling replied. Shang's eyes widened in shock. "Really?" He looked around the cave for answers. Ling looked at Shang. "Why yes, sir. That is all I know." Ling said. "Is there another person who can tell me?" Shang asked. "Yes, sir. She lives in cave section F, sir."

"Byung Ho, my boy!" Muta exclaimed. Byung Ho stopped. "You have a natural talent there! You remind me of Cheol when he was young." He complimented. It was one of the rare moments when Muta actually had a student that was this good. Byung Ho smiled. "Thank you. I appreciate your words very much M-" He was cut off by someone yelling. "Help!!!" The voice called. Byung Ho dropped the stick, and ran in the direction of the voice. "Byung Ho, wait!" He gasped. They ran to where the rest of the pack was, a woman was on the ground with Shang towering over her. "Tell me what you know about him!!" He yelled, holding a large stick- similar to the one he murdered Jun with. Byung Ho covered his mouth, in horror. "Tell me!!" He yelled again. The woman had now covered her head. "H-He was adopted out, sir!! T-To Joo Won and Yi!! Cheol didn't know!! Please, let me live, sir!!" She screamed, terrified. Shang gasped. "You mean... Jun's parents?? Before they died?" He asked the woman. "Hey, Shang!!" Byung Ho shouted. Shang turned, growling. "Who dare speak to me while I am busy?" He gasped as he saw Byung Ho. "Watch it, kid, or I'll kill you like I did with Jun." He snarled. The woman looked at Byung Ho, and shouted "There!! There he is!! The child you're looking for!! Now let me go!!! Please!!" She yelled. Shang raised the wood. "Thank you, miss. Now close those eyes, and it won't hurt-" A hard object slammed into the side of Shang's face, as he went to hit the woman with the wood. "Miss, are you okay?" Byung Ho asked the woman, helping her up. Shang stood, slowly and looking real angry. "Kid, you crossed the line!!" He raised the wood, and hit Byung Ho across the head with it. "Sir!! Please!!" Byung Ho begged. Is this how he was going to leave? Like Jun? No. Not today. Shang swung the wood, ready to give Byung Ho another blow to the head, when the wood stopped. Byung Ho had caught it. He caught the wood. "No!!" Shang yelled, with a flaming anger in his eyes. Byung Ho let go, quickly and dodged the next attempt Shang had at hitting him. "Stay still!!" He yelled. Byung Ho ran. He ran away from Shang, and passed Muta. The sadness on Muta's face gave Byung Ho an urge to cry. But he wasn't going to show Shang that he was weak. He wanted to prove that he was worth it. That he wasn't going down, without a fight. "Get back here!!" Shang shouted, as Byung Ho ran. He darted around corners, and jumped over ground objects. Although he was small, and skinny his speed and stamina made up for it. Shang wouldn't last. Finally, just as he turned a right hand corner, he tripped and fell face first into the hard cold ground.

Before he could get up, his body was forcefully turned over. He could see Shang towering over him, with the wood in one hand. "You have some guts kid," He said, breathing hard. "unlucky for you," He raised the wood, Byung Ho covered his head with his arm. "you won't be needing it anymore."

He Who Strikes First: REBELLION | Original VersionWhere stories live. Discover now