Chapter XIV

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Byung Ho looked up the wall of the cave. "There must be another way out of here..." He quietly murmured to himself. Jian looked curiously at Byung Ho as the boy felt the wall, for about the seventh time. "You think... that someone as 'smart' as you would stop feeling the wall, and realise that there is not another way out..." Jian bluntly said, looking at Byung Ho. The boy frowned as he looked back at Jian. "Shut it! There might be another way out!!" Byung Ho exclaimed, looking at Jian quickly. "Or are you to blind to see it, Jian?" He questioned, looking at the boy. Jian was shocked of this sudden change in Byung Ho's voice. He figured that it was from frustration. Jian was frustrated too. Jian rolled his eyes. "Sure. Like there'll be a 'secret' magical door that leads to a passage that'll get us out of here!" He said in a high pitched voice, making figure gestures around the word 'secret', then laughed slightly. "Unlikely, Byung Ho... now get real. We'll figure something out, just be patient- okay?" He said, looking toward the mouth of the cave. Byung Ho nodded.

Tao sat by the fire next to Thunder. "So... how are we going to find Byung Ho?" He asked, scratching the wolf between the ears. Boa sat next to Tao, and Muta followed. "I don't know..." Boa shook her head. "Maybe we could get some help from a professional tracker." Muta replied, puffing up his chest. "I know a few from section F, after all they track animals for the most part of their lives; they are the hunters! I'm sure one of them will help us find Byung Ho." He exclaimed, sure of his decision. Boa quickly stood up. "Alright then! Muta and I will go find a tracker, and Tao will stay here with Thunder." He ordered loudly. As Tao was about to say something, Muta stood up. "No objections here." He said, heading to the mouth of the cave. "Don't worry Tao we'll find someone to help us." Muta assured, looking at Tao as Boa walked out the mouth of the cave. Tao waved as they both left. "I hope so."

He had almost finished tying the knot in the last bit of the new trap he'd been working on. "Jian. Can you give me a hand?" He ordered, looking to where his friend usually sat. "Jian?" He was confused. Usually Jian wasn't late to help Li with the traps, the boy loved making them. Especially the new traps. He shrugged his shoulder. "Ah, oh well..." He muttered looking back at the trap. He was to wonder how he was going to finish it, when he heard footsteps at the mouth of the cave. "Good evening, Li!" A voice called after the footsteps. Li turned, hoping it was Jian. "Ah J- oh, good day Muta!!" He was a little disappointed, but he was always up to a visit from his good friends, especially Muta. "Li, we-" He looked at the little contraption that was by Li's hand. "Oh- hold on a sec, Muta! I need to finish this trap, would you mind helping a little?" He asked, Muta nodded and walked forward. Li pointed to the other end of the trap. "Can you hold that still?" He asked, and as he did Muta held the end of the trap. "Thank you." He finished tying the knot and smiled. "Ah, all done!!" He exclaimed. Muta smiled. "Hey, where's your little friend Jian? Usually he'd be here, no?" Muta stood up straight. Li shrugged. "I don't know actually, he's never late." He scratched his head. "So, what do ya need me for, Muta?" He asked, referring to why Muta had come here in the first place. He hadn't seen Muta since Cheol's death- and Li got put down from commander. "Ah, right ya see Li, we need your tracking skills." Muta explained. Li looked at Muta. "Eh? 'We'?" Li questioned. Muta smiled. "Myself, Boa and Tao." Muta smiled. Li nodded. He wasn't too keen on working with Shang, but was happy to work with Muta and his friends. Shang gave Li a terrible feeling. He looked passed Muta, and waved as he saw Boa. She waved back slightly. Li nodded a little. "What can I help you with?"

"They went right through here, ya see?" Li said, directing them through section F. Muta and Boa listened to every word that he said, making sure to not miss anything. "I can't go further than this though, but follow through section G. There should be more clues, such as marks on the ground, like these." He pointed to a mark on the ground, and it looked like someone was dragged through there. Boa smiled, and Muta nodded. "Thank you! We'll go get Tao and be on our way." He exclaimed, shaking Li's hand. Li smiled. "My pleasure, my friend!"

Jian looked through a crack in the mouth of the cave. He wondered if Byung Ho had other people in his life. Like... possibly a family? Jian shook his head. Of course he did, Shang was his uncle. The only family he probably had! "Hey... Byung Ho?" Jian turned to look at Byung Ho. The boy looked up in reply. "D-do you have a... family?" Jian asked, quietly. He shouldn't have asked, but he was curious. Did Byung Ho have people who cared for him? Jian wanted to know more about his new friend. Then Byung Ho smiled. "Yes. I have a family." He replied, and looked to the ground. "They aren't blood relatives... but I consider them as family." He continued, and smiled widely. Jian nodded. He understood. Obviously he didn't have his parents, if both were dead- and he had no siblings. He smiled again. "Who is your family?" He asked, looking at Byung Ho. The young boy looked at Jian. "My family is Tao, Muta and Boa... oh- and I won't forget Thunder the wolf! They are all so caring to me." He chuckled a bit. "What about you?" Byung Ho asked, looking back at Jian. He nodded. "I have family... his name is Li." 


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