Chapter VIII

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Tao screamed as the wolf stood above him. It was large, with grey-brown fur. Its teeth were huge as the wolf growled. Big drops of saliva spilled out of the wolf's mouth and onto Tao's face. "Tao!!!" Byung Ho screamed, reaching for his friend. He dived, pushing the wolf off Tao. He was still shivering in fear. The wolves knew they were there the whole time. "B-Byung Ho..." Tao stuttered as four more wolves appeared. He was terrified, and not knowing there was more than just one wolf made him more scared. Byung Ho looked around. The wolf that was after Tao stood up, and barked. A big gash of blood was covering its stomach. Tao looked at the wound. "It's wounded, Byung Ho..." He whispered. The other four wolves made wining noises, then the big one barked again but louder. It must've been their leader. The other wolves ran off, with their tails between their legs. "W-What...?" Byung Ho was confused. Why didn't they just attack him? Was the big one afraid? Tao looked at the wolf, and it had rolled over in submission. It was telling them to kill it. "Byung Ho..." Tao mumbled. Byung Ho grabbed out his weapon. "Let's kill it before its friends bring more of them." Byung Ho raised the knife, the wolf looked up as Byung Ho held the knife above the wolf's head. Tao grabbed Byung Ho's arm, from behind. Byung Ho was confused. Why was he doing this? "Stop!!" He called. The wolf just tried to kill Tao, and now he's feeling sympathetic, this was all Byung Ho needed right now. A sympathetic boy who was almost killed by a massive grey wolf. "We can't kill it, Byung Ho, you already injured it." Tao said, as his friend lowered his weapon. Byung Ho looked at the wolf. It was already cut, and it was pointless killing it because the wolf hadn't killed Tao. Byung Ho injured it, because he saved Tao. "Fine." Byung Ho sighed. Tao walked by the wolf, and knelt down. It was risky, but Tao couldn't help but feel extremely sorry for the wolf. The wolf snarled a bit, but Tao hushed it as he moved his hand across the wolf's stomach. Byung Ho was amazed, this big wolf which the pack thouth was scary, was being kind to Tao. "Wow... This wound is huge... I don't think you did this Byung Ho..." Tao said in amusement. The wolf stopped growling completely. "We need to help it." Tao said. Byung Ho was confused. "What?!" He exclaimed, shocked. Tao was the one who didn't want to come out here, and Tao was attacked by the wolf. Now Tao wants to help the wolf. "I'm going to help it. With or without you." He said, looking at his friend. "Byung Ho, lend me your blanket you brought with you." Tao said, holding out his hand. Byung Ho gave him the large brown blanket. It was made of dry grass. Then, a ripping sound. "Tao?! What the heck?!" Byung Ho exclaimed, as Tao ripped a long strip from the blanket, and put the rest of the blanket flat on the ground. Then Byung Ho understood. Tao then wrapped the fabric around the wolf's wound- then he picked up the wolf and put it on top of the rest of the blanket. He then wrapped the blanket around the wolf. "Hidden." Tao said, picking up the wolf. Unusual for a tribe member to help a wolf, since most of the people were scared of wolves- but Tao had his heart set on helping it. "Alright, Byung Ho, lead us to our cave."

He closely looked at the wolf's wound. "Ouch... looks like someone shoved a weapon of some sort and dragged it through its body." Tao whispered. Byung Ho sat near the mouth of the cave, watching for guards. "So, do you know anything about healing?" Byung Ho asked, looking to Tao. He moved a little closer, then Tao shook his head. "No, I..." Tao trailed off. "Great, Tao. Wants to save the wolf; but doesn't know how to fix wounds!" Byung Ho exclaimed. Tao frowned. "I may not be a nurse myself, but I know someone who is." He stood up. "Can you go find Boa?" Tao asked Byung Ho. "Sure, but who'll keep watch-" Byung Ho turned, and his voice was stopped. "Boys, what is that?!" Muta shouted, walking toward Tao. "I-Is that... a..." Muta couldn't speak. He didn't have the words. Tao ran to the wolf, and stood between the wolf and Muta. "Don't hurt him!" Tao exclaimed. "Please... We're trying to help him." He said. Muta shook his head. "Well I'll be." He knelt down beside the wolf, and pet its head softly. "Better keep 'em away from Shang- oh and speaking of Shang, he wants to see Byung Ho." Muta looked to Byung Ho who was leaving. "Alright." Byung Ho said. "I'll send Boa here, and then I'll go see Shang, see you later." As Byung Ho left, the wolf barked. Tao quickly knelt down again and put his hand on the wolf's shoulder. "It's ok." He said, soothing the wolf. Muta smiled. He'd never seen a boy and a wolf this close, then again he'd never seen a wolf this close before. He looked at the wolf's face. It had a very masculine face structure, and its ears had small cuts on them. "Beautiful, isn't he?" Muta said. "Yes, yes he is." Tao muttered, petting the wolf. "I'll keep watch, okay Tao?" Muta said, getting up and moving to the cave's mouth, and he sat down. As he sat he looked over to where the wolf and Tao were. Tao had shifted to near the wolf's head, when suddenly the wolf lifted his head. Muta was confused. Tao put his hand on the wolf's muzzle, and stroked it. His tanned skin was perfect match with the grey-brown of the wolf's fur. Almost

as if they were meant to have met. The boy crossed his legs, as he did so the wolf wriggled closer to Tao, and placed its head gently onto the boys lap; then licked Tao's hand softly. The boy smiled, his teeth were crooked but it was a real smile. Muta hadn't ever seen Tao smile with his teeth showing. Most of the time it was an uneasy, uncomfortable smile; but this one seemed real. A real smile.

"Boa!" Byung Ho called, as he saw her. She looked at him quickly, and smiled. "Oh, hey Byung Ho!" Boa greeted, walking over. "Need, me?" She asked, looking at his expression. "No, but Tao does. Don't ask why..." He looked around. "It's too crowded." He whispered, then winked. She nodded. "Ah, is Tao breaking more rules?" She whispered. He nodded, smiling. "I have to get going, but he's at my cave." He said, walking away. "See you later!" He exclaimed. She waved. "Later!" Then, without hesitation she headed to section B.

Byung Ho headed to section A, where he was expecting a big beating. He just had a feeling that Shang had plans for him, because of what happened the other day. "Shang." He said, as he entered the leader cave. Shang looked at him. "Welcome to my cave!!" He exclaimed holding his arms out. "No? Ok, I don't like hugs that much either." Shang said, lowering his arms. Byung Ho walked over. "What do you want?" He asked, serious. "I just wanted to say hi to my favourite son!" Shang exclaimed, as Byung Ho stepped back a little gasping in shock. His son? "W-What..." He couldn't fine words to speak. "Of course, you are my boy!" He smirked. Byung Ho looked at Shang, in shock still speechless.

What in the world could Tao have done now? She wasn't sure, but was probably something silly. Her cousin always got into trouble, or broke rules. That's why she thought of him to be perfect for the rebellion. That's why she asked. She turned a small corner, and quickly walked toward Byung Ho's cave. "Tao, what have you- Is that a wolf?!" She gasped. A wolf? Her cousin brought back a wolf. Something was different about this wolf. It had its head upon Tao's lap, like it was his child. Even though it looked friendly, it was still a wolf. Boa had heard many, many stories of their ancestors getting mauled by wolves. Tao smiled, and looked at Boa. "Yes. And I have decided his name will be Thunder." He said. Boa shook her head, while Muta sat there chuckling. "You even named it?" She asked, giggling a bit. "Alright, what do you need me for?" She knelt down a few meters away from the wolf. Tao pet the wolf's side. "I need you to help him." He said, showing her the wound on Thunders side. Muta got up. "Wow, what happened to him?" He asked. Tao shrugged. "Byung Ho and I found him like this. He had attacked us because he was scared." Tao explained. Boa smiled. "So, you decided to help him? That is so sweet!" She smiled, moving closer to the wolf. The wolf looked at her. It had beautiful big brown eyes, and looked like it was in pain. "I'll try my best." She whispered, examining the wound. Tao smiled, and pet Thunder's head softly. "I know you will."

He Who Strikes First: REBELLION | Original VersionWhere stories live. Discover now