3. Chapter

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Disclaimer: Sadly I'm not Julie but hey, a girl can dream.

Rebekah ended the phone call and looked at Kol. Of course he heard everything and just nodded. Then she looked at me.

I heard everything too. I heard him too. Him... He doesn't sound different then the last time we spoke. He still had this sexy british accent... Wait sexy? No! No no no no! Snap out of it Caroline!

I needed to focus on Rebekah. They had to leave for their safety.
But I didn't wanted them to...

"It's alright. Just go before something happens." I said and gave them a small smile that, when I'm honest, didn't even convinced me.

"Don't even think about it!" she said and poked with her finger against my chest. Kol stood behind her.
"Rebekah's right Caroline, we're not leaving you alone."

How they cared for me was absolutely touching but I couldn't let them get into danger. Especially not after this lovely evening.
"No, listen to me. Klaus is right, it's not save for the two of you and I don't want to be responsible for your deaths."

Both just looked at me, amazed. Then searching for the others gaze other, gave small nods and spoke together "Then come with us."

Wait. What? No! No no no no. This was absurd! I just moved into my new dorm room ,got all the new books and auditioned for the drama club, bought some cute tops for college parties and... you know everything! I couldn't throw everything away for a dangerous road trip, God knows where to!

"I... you know that... I just..."
Rebekah took one of my hands in both of hers and squeezed it hard. "Please Care! Do you know when was the last time I spoke to someone that wasn't Kol? A looong time ago, and it's driving me crazy.
You're immortal, for God's sake, you have an eternity for going to college."

Kol tried to forget about Rebekah's comment about him and said "Just live a little. When was the last time you got out of your little Mystic Falls and saw the world? For your own sake, come with us."

Rebekah's pleading eyes locked with mine and before I could even consider of going with them, the choice was taken away from me.
I followed Kol's staring gaze over my shoulder and saw two men, probably vampires entering the bar.

"They found us." he whispered and Rebekah stiffened, fighting the urge to look at them. We turned around to the table, we were sitting at before and sat down.
"As long as we don't make our move, they're not going to do anything." said Rebekah. "So here's the plan. Kol, you're leaving first. If anyone's following you, Caroline will follow them. Leave the other one to me."

"Why do I have to go out first?" snapped Kol and Rebekah hit the back of his head. "Because you're supposed to be tough one, idiot."

"That's a bit sexist? don't you think? I mean, you were the one wearing trousers on the wedding ceremony of Queen Victoria, fighting for the equality of man and woman."

Rebekah hit him again.
"Not the time to get nostalgic, Kol. Now, go!"

I didn't knew whether to laugh at Kol's story or to worry about him.

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