1. Chapter

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A/N: Soooo this is my first Klaroline fanfiction and I struggled for like 2 months with this idea, so be nice! And English isn't my native language,so again, be nice!

Also: Bonnie is dead, so is Caroline's mother. And our favorite cocky original brother is alive. There is no Hayley baby (yaaaay) but also no klaroline sex in the woods (awwwwouu)

Disclaimer: I don't own TVD nor any of the characters. :(

Caroline's pov

I placed the last picture of me and my mom on the nightstand next to my bed. When I was 10, I had made the frame out of pink macaroni, aloooot of glitter, also pink, and had given it to her. She never put a picture in it because she said, that it didn't need any because it was beautiful enough without a photo.
And now she's gone. And so is Bonnie. And even Elena had gone on vacation with Damon. And I'm alone in my dorm room... God, how I missed them.

I was so in thoughts that I didn't even realised someone opening the door.

"Hello? Somebody in here?" said a female voice. "I'm from the room next door and just want to say Hi. My name is..." I quickly vamp speeded to the door, blocking the view. I definitely didn't need someone to see the bloodbags all over the place.

"...Rebekah. Wait, CAROLINE?!"
"Rebekah? What are you doing here?"

Shouldn't she be in New Orleans or something like that? Not that I'm not happy to see her, I mean, yes we tried to kill her whole family and those things but in the end she wasn't that much of a bitch . But seriously, what was she doing in Whitmore?

"Going to college, Captain Obvious." she snapped at me obviously misunderstanding my question.
"Yeah I got that but you have to understand how strange it seems. You being in Whitmore in the room right next to me, starting in the same year as me, when you're brother told us of the whole family moving to New Orleans."
She looked ready to snap at me again so I cut her off. "Don't get me wrong. I'm happy to see you again. I just didn't expect you here."

Here face softened and a smile appeared on her lips.
"Well, I was in New Orleans a long time but things are getting serious there. So Nik told me and Kol leave."

My heart fastened a little as she mentioned Klaus. The last time I've seen him, he promised me to be the last love of my life, which is just... well crazy ! And now his sister is standing in the doorframe, which again is just crazy.

Wait did she said, things are getting serious?

"Well come in! And since you're a vampire I don't need to hide all of the bloodbags." She chuckled, stepped in and looked around.

"You seriously need to go shopping with me for some decoration. This room looks extremely well... let's say empty." I knew she was right.

"Well I just moved here from my previous room. After all I thought I was going to share a room with Elena and Bonnie but now it's just to big for me alone."

It hurt to have to remind myself how alone I am.

Matt just became Deputy and Jeremy was on a best buddy trip with Tyler. And don't even got me started about him! Stefan was the only one to call me when he had the time.

Don't get me wrong I wasn't complaining at all! They were still my best friends and everyone has been there for me when my mother had passed away. They deserved to get some free time from the whole supernatural thing. But still...

"Hey Caroline!" Rebekah snapped with her finger in front of my face.
"Is everything alright?" I nodded.
"Yes everything's fine."

She nodded too and picked up the picture of me and my mom from the nightstand.
An akward silence filled the room and Rebekah sighted.

"I'm sorry about your mom, Caroline. Stefan told me on the phone."

I couldn't do anything but nodding again.

"It's fine." I whispered.
No it was not. But I couldn't tell her that just now.

"Hey Rebekah?" She looked up.
"You said, things got serious in New Orleans. What did you mean?"
"Oh you heard that, did you? Well..."

She sat down on my bed.

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