2. Chapter

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Disclaimer: Yep I own everything! Including marshmellows!

"The last time we went to New Orleans was... well some centuries ago and Nik made himself the King of the City, wich isn't so wrong considering that our family helped building it. But as I said, that was long ago.
And now his old protégé, Marcel, has taken over the city. He banned all werewolves from New Orleans and has the witches under his control. He even calls himself the King.
And well you know Nik... He didn't took it so well."

Yeah I knew him well enough to know that this meant war.

But I had to say that I was quite impressed. This Marcel had managed to get a whole city werewolve free.

"And that's why you and your brother had to leave? Because the fight between Klaus and this guy got to serious?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I think Nik was afraid Marcel could use me against him."
"How's that?"
"Let's just say that he and I had a history that I'm not so proud of."
Okay, didn't saw that coming.

She smiled at my comment.
"Yeah, oh..."

Akward silence, again.

"But didn't you say, that Kol..."

"Did I hear someone say my name?"
And there he was. Leaning on the doorframe, smirking like the idiot he was.

Rebekah groaned. "Get lost Kol."
"Hello to you too, sister. And hello gorgeous." he said and took my hand to place a kiss on it. I made a grimace and leaned to Rebekah.
"Please tell me that he isn't going to college."

Kol just laughed and said "Okay, then don't tell her."
Seriously? I could have lived with one Mikaelson but two of them?

"Don't worry." said Rebekah. "The only way for me to survive this, is this douchbag having a room one kilometer away from me."
"I heard that!"said Kol.
"I know."
"Pfft!" He turned around a left, playing hurt. Rebekah just laughed.

"Don't worry. He'll get over it.
Sooo, We only talked about what happend to me. What happend to you? Come on, tell me some news!"

What should I tell her? I'm close to going mad from loneliness and that all my friends left me?
I stuttered some words but the first full sentence that left my mouth
was "There's not much to talk about. I was just getting over the death of my mother."
I still am.
"And planned for college... sold the house."
That hurt. I shouldn't have said that. Great! Know I was nearly crying and held back some tears
"And did s some p paperwork..."

Rebekah cut me off with a hug.
"Oh sweetie. I think we definitely need a drink."
I just sniffed and nodded.

"No way! No way that you met Shakespeare!"

"Of course I did. Who do you think was the inspiration for Juliette?"

I nearly spilled all of my drink.
"Did you two... you know..." Rebekah and Kol laughed there asses off.

"Oh Darling" he said. "The things I could tell you... naah, when you're old enough." He smirked at me and I couldn't help but laugh.
Through this evening I realised what a nice guy Kol was. He might was an idiot but a good friend to talk. And it felt so good to let anything out.

Both were. I hadn't laughed this much since weeks.

That was the moment when Rebekah's phone ringed.

"Nik? What do you want?"

"Rebekah, you need to leave. Again. Now."

"What? Why?!"

"He's coming."

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