Chapter 24
"Hold on i'm gonna ring scooter and tell him to cancel Jonathan Ross" just stood up from the sofa as I sat looking down at my phone. I took a deep breath and shock my head no.
"I want to do it" I whispered, actually surprised that Justin has even heard me. His head lifted as his eyebrows knitted together, he looked at me for a couple of seconds, staring straight at me.
"Brooke are you sure? I mean-" immediately i cut him off, shaking my head.
"I want to do it" I nodded my head. Justin looked at me for a second, studying me then simply nodded his head. He placed his phone down and headed off into the bedroom as I sat there.
I sat there looking at myself in the mirror. My eye was simply big, black and blue. I wanted to curl up in a ball and hide really. I mean who in the hell would want to go out in public like this? Never mind on national television. But now that this has happened I really wanted to make the best out of a bad situation, now that it is done I want to bring attention to the problem, wether that is man hitting a woman, man hitting man or woman hitting man. No violence should be allowed.
Within the time that I was getting ready my hair stylist showed the the collect of wigs they had and instantly I fell in love. All I could see was wigs wigs and wigs. So as a result of that I decided of the small blue wig. I then decided on this outfit and chucked on a pair of glasses. Even though I had decided to still go on the show I decided that I was going to wear a pair of sunglasses, that is what I was most comfortable with. However I really did love this outfit.
The woman in front of us nodded her head and me and Justin finally made our way out on to the set. We were soon meet with Jonathan who greeted us both with a hug and then we made our way onto the sofa that was placed next to his desk.
"hello hello hello" he smiled at the both of us as we both said hello again. The crowed still was going crazy as me and Justin looked out into the crowed of people.
"Justin it's nice to meet you again and Brooke" he turned towards me and smiled " it's nice to finally meet you" he smiled brightly as I told him it was nice to meet him too.
"Okay so we need to address the elephant in the room" Jonathan clapped his hands together as both me and Justin nodded our heads.
"Your sun glasses" he nodded towards me as I nodded my head.
"I know coming out here I bet people are just sat here like 'hm girl excuse me? Rude' but yeah" I paused as everyone laughed for a second "earlier, I was basically punched in the face" I said as I headed a couple of gasps around the room. "But yeah that's the reason for the sunglasses" I nodded my head, giggling awkwardly.
"Wait fsomeone actually punched you?" Jonathan frowned his eyebrows together as I nodded my head, biting my lip slightly.
"Me and Brooke was just having a nice day out in London, headed back to the hotel and as we were walking through all the people this man appeared and yeah..." Justin trailed off and nodded.
As the interview went on we talked about a variety of different things, it was really fun.
"Soooooo" Jonathan trailed off, pointing a finger at both me and Justin with a smile on his face. It was pretty obvious as to what as coming as he carried on doing it.
"So how did you two meet" he smirked at the both of us as we both stayed silent for a moment. I decided it was best for Justin to talk so I simply kept my mouth shut.
"My manager scooter and Brooke's mam are pretty good friends and so yeahhh" he trailed off as john simply smiled brightly at us.
"And are you...yanow" John raised both of his eyebrows as there were a couple of laughs and whispers around the set we were on from the crowd.
"Are we what?" Justin raised an eyebrow at him, trying to pull the sides of his mouth down to stop his smirk from showing.
" yanow.... Friends or friendddssssssss" he winked as I couldn't help but laugh slightly. Although as soon as he turned his attention back to me I pulled my lips back into a straight line, making him laugh.
"Yeah we're friends" Justin shrugged.
I frowned my eyebrows slightly? Friends? wasn't we trying to convince everyone that we were together? And now he's sat here saying we are friends?
"Brooke you don't look too pleased with that answer" Jonathan pointed out at me as my head snapped back up to look at him.
"Hunny that's just my face" I looked at him as he burst out laughing- along with everyone else.
I was confused though, why was Justin always saying we were friends? I mean wasn't this the point in spending so much time together? I mean this was HIS managements idea and now he's trying to push it to the side every time someone asks him about it? Yes I was pretty annoyed right now. Why? Because at the minute to everyone I looked like a complete and utter mug. I looked like Justin little side hoe to everyone, here's me sat here spending all my time with Justin, trying my hardest to make this work just like his manager asked and he's here acting like we're friends. I don't NOT appropriate being mugged off at all.
Finally when the interview ended me, Jonathan and Justin had a photo and then we made our way back to the hotel.