Liam - Prom Part 2

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Warning: Smut ahead


The fourth door finally opened and we stumbled in, clumsily kissing and touching. Liam closed the door, pressing me up against it. He nibbled on my neck, the soft click of the lock sounding over the faint bass still thumping downstairs. My fingers fumbled with the buttons of his dress shirt, coming undone one by one, slowly exposing his muscular chest. He slowly guided me towards the bed, stopping when the back of my legs met the edge. He looked up into my eyes, pressing a soft kiss to my nose, before turning me around. His fingertips traced over my waist as he pressed his chest against my back. "I love you, Tina," he whispered between kisses being placed on my neck and shoulder. His fingers slowly tickled their way up my back, trying to find the zipper of my dress. My insides burned, burned with love, with desire. I wanted him.

The sound of the zipper was loud in the silent room, the shuffling of the dress when he slid it down my shoulders as well. He turned me around, his gaze caressing every inch of my body. I reached my hands up to push the white dress shirt down his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. My stomach clenched, this was to be my first time. I traced the outline of his abs with my fingertips, reaching for the button of his pants. Nerves took over me as shaking hands tried to undo his button. His hands rested over mine and I looked up into his eyes. "Relax," a hand cupped my cheek and I leant into his touch. "It's my first time too," as if he could read my mind. He gently laid me down on the bed, undoing his pants before climbing up next to me.

His fingers traced lines on my body. He looked down at me while he laid on his side, watching me intently. "I'm nervous," I confessed, stealing a glance at the tented boxers next to me. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips, "I am too." Our lips met in a heated kiss. My hands snaked around his body and pulled him on top of me. My stomach knotted, feeling the bulge that pressed against my thigh. I wanted this though. I secretly admired him for such a long time, but knowing he was taken and way out of my league I never acted on it. Turns out he wasn't only just handsome, he was sweet and sensitive as well.

I arched my back and reached behind to undo my bra. His hands found my breasts by instinct, cupping them in his big palms. My nipples hardened at his touch, a whimper escaped my lips as he rubbed his thumbs over them. My eyes shot open when he rubbed his clothed erection against me. He smiled, noticing my jumpiness. "Relax," he whispered as he started kissing a trail down my breasts. A hand came to rest over my panties, pressing a finger to my clit. I moaned as pleasure shot through me, clutching my fists in the sheets. Suddenly I felt something warm press against me. My head shot up to look down and see his face pressed in between my legs. His tongue swirled around my clit over my panties. I bit back a moan and arched my back. The pleasure was just too much, and he wasn't even touching me directly yet.

He peeled my panties down. A playful grin when he leant down again and pressed his hot tongue flat against my clit. Pleasure jolted through me like electric current. My hands found his hair and gently pressed him tighter against me. His tongue circled once and a whimper escaped from my throat. I threw my head back, eyes screwed closed and lips parted, panting. He closed his lips around me, the heat unbearable and I came when he sucked lightly.

My eyes darted dazedly around the room. I heard him shuffle about, taking off his boxers and putting on a condom. He leant back over me, the tip of his cock pressed against my entrance. He kissed me, I didn't have the nerve to kiss back. I was still out of it from the amazing orgasm. He nuzzled my neck and breathed in my scent. "Are you ok?" he asked me, his voice trembling. My hands reached up to tangle in the hair at the back of his neck. He pulled back, looking at me, our noses almost touching. "Yes," I croaked. I wanted this.

He eased slowly into me. I wrapped my arms around him and hid my face in the crook of his neck. The stretch was uncomfortable and burned a little. He stilled after sliding in the first few inches. "Still ok?" I nodded against his shoulder and he pressed a kiss to my hair. "I'll stop if it's too much," his tone was worried. I laid my head back against the sheets as I started to relax around him, "I'm fine." I looked into his eyes, whispered "I want this."

He slid further into me, until his thighs pressed against mine. Most of the pain was gone, but the stretch was still uncomfortable. He breathed slowly against the shell of my ear. "You can move," my voice ripped through the silence in the room. He leaned up on his elbows, our skin ripping apart from being stuck together by sweat. He caressed my hair, tucking it behind my ear, "You're beautiful." His words warmed me up even more.

He slowly started to move, pulling back slightly and thrusting back in slow in a low pace. I felt full, the friction unfamiliar, but good. I wrapped my legs around his lower back, making him slide in deeper. I winced as a wave of pain ripped through me. His head shot up, stilling immediately. "I'm alright," I assured him as the tangy smell of blood filled the room.

His lips met mine in a clumsy but passionate kiss. He started moving again, hips thrusting in a faster pace now. He moaned lowly into the kiss. I let my hands rest on his back, feeling his muscles shift under my touch. He tugged my bottom lip between his teeth, as he groaned. I tightened my arms around him, pressing his chest against me. He buried his face in my neck and bit my collarbone as he groaned through gritted teeth, stilling his hips. He threw his head back as he rode out his orgasm, "Fuck, Tina!"

His chest was pressed against my back as we laid on the bed. I stared out the window, looking up at the night sky. The stars shimmered in the pitch black, no moon to be seen. I smiled pressing a kiss to the bicep that my head rested on. "Hmm?" he mumbled, sleepily, starting to doze off. I shifted, turning around to face him. His eyes opened, a faint smile forming around his lips. My heart beat loudly in my chest before I spoke and pressed my lips against his, "I love you too."

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