Louis - Need The Sun To Break

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"You wanted the one with chocolate dip, right?" She nodded and they ran off. She laid back down on the sandy towel, closing her eyes and letting the warm Marbella sun heat up her skin. She had begged her parents forever to let her three best friends and a cousin come with them on holiday. She had no siblings and she always felt alone when on a trip. Her parents finally seemed to get the problem as they understood she was getting a bit too old for the kids club at the hotel.

She looked up along the beach, seeing her friends walking back with her ice cream. She had just turned 16 a few weeks ago and she was now the oldest out of the group. Her friends Yasmin, Faith, and Tia were still 15 and her cousin Sarah was 14. They had always been a close knit clique. She had met Faith and Yasmin on the first day of school. Sarah joined in a year later when she was a first-years and Tia joined later that year when she transferred schools.

"Here, Jade," Yasmin handed her the cone, "hurry, it's already melting." She quickly lapped her tongue around to stop it from dripping down on her hands. The other girls dropped down on the towels beside her. "So what are the plans for today?" Tia questioned. Today was their first real day in Spain. They had arrived yesterday after a much too long car ride. They had been spent and immediately went to bed. Jade sat up on her towel looking out at the beautiful blue ocean, "Let's just go swimming, I don't feel like-" "WATCH OUT!!" Before she could even react a ball hit her and she fell backwards.

She scrambled back up to her sitting position. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" A pair of bare feet was planted in the sand before her. She looked up, shielding her eyes from the blinding sun. A boy with an obviously straightened fringe stood before her, holding a football under his arm. "I'm sorry I ruined your ice cream," he pointed down to where her precious chocolate dip ice cream laid melting in the sand, "Let me get you a new one."

She had protested, saying it wasn't necessary, insisting that she was fine. But he wanted to make it up to her and her friends were pushing as well. So there she was, walking with him to the ice cream stand. "I'm so sorry, usually I'm a pretty good footballer, I swear," he scratched the back of his head, smiling goofily, "I'm Louis by the way." "I'm Jade," she shook his hand.

As they walked back, he was doing most of the talking while she silently enjoyed her ice cream and his stories. Apparently he was here with some friends for a talent show for a week. "So you're here on vacation?" He asked, pushing his hands into the pockets of his shorts. "Yeah," she smiled, licking her lips clean of ice cream before she continued, "Yeah, I'm here with some friends for two weeks." "Looks like your friends found mine," he nodded ahead of them.

That night she laid in bed, unable to sleep. Her skin was glowing from the heat of the sun. She turned on her side. Today was a great day, Louis and his friends were awesome. They had gone swimming together, playing ballgames in the water and when they let themselves dry in the sun they played a game of truth or dare which may or may not have involved Sarah kissing Harry. She turned on her other side, sighing. She had given up on sleeping long ago. She slipped out from underneath the covers and tip-toed out of the room. She cracked the door open to the balcony and made herself comfortable on one of the lounge chairs. It was a beautiful night, the sky was clear and a light breeze made the temperature a little more enjoyable.

She played around with her phone a little when a sudden notification turned up, a text message:

Louis: Can't sleep? – L

She stared at her phone in amazement. How did he know?

Jade: Yeah, how'd you know? x Jade

Louis: Look down – L

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