Niall - Red

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Warning: Smut ahead


"You never support me in anything I do!" His voice was raised, face red with war and veins showing in his neck. My insides burned at his harsh words, my vision blurry with the tears that started to pool in my eyes. "Good. Bye," he yelled, punctuating his words to emphasize them. He grabbed his jacket which hung over the chair and barged out of the room. I cracked when I heard the front door slam shut. I fell to the floor, tears streaming down my face as my body shook violently with each sob. I cried. Until I just couldn't anymore. The house was silent, so silent without him. I wiped my cheeks clean from the tears, black streaks of mascara painted the back of my hands. I hauled myself up from the floor. I needed a shower.

The warm water ran down over my shoulders. It felt like a soft embrace, which was somewhat comforting. His hurtful words played over and over again in my head. My heart ached. Was this the kind of relationship I wanted? Was it all worth it? Pain struck my chest when I thought of answering the questions. I needed time, time to think.

I heard the front door open and stumbling coming up the stairs, soft tip toes, down the hall, until the door cracked open. I pretended to be asleep. It was late at night, I had been in bed for at least 5 hours, but I hadn't been able to sleep. The bed was cold and lonely without him. A body slid in next to me, a cold arm wrapping around my waist, pulling me to his chest. I hissed at the contact, and peeked an eye open to look at him. "Niall, we need to-," he pressed a finger to my lips. "Shh," he whispered with a face full of sorrow, "let's sleep first. We'll talk tomorrow." He hugged me tightly, his face nuzzling in my hair as he breathed softly. I sighed, entangling my fingers with the hand that rested on my hip, as sleep was pulling my eyelids closed.

I shot up, sitting straight up in bed. The sun was out already, shining bright into the bedroom. The space next to me was vacant, no Niall to be seen. I groaned, stepping out of bed and I slipped on my bathrobe and slippers. He was avoiding the confrontation again, as he always did. I walked into the kitchen, still no Niall. "Ni?!" I called out through the hall way, no answer. I sighed again, mixing up a bowl of cereal. We had had many arguments like this. About him being away too often, about the crazy fans camping out on the drive way, about the rumours and lies appearing on the news and tabloids every day, everything. This time it had been a gossip article again. Every time he would walk out and come back late at night. He would promise we would talk the next day, but we never did. I just went along with it. Sure, he said hurtful things, but I still loved him. I would never be able to leave him, whatever he did.

The doorbell rang and I got up from the table to open it. I was met with a sea of red roses, Niall's head popping up above it. A fluttering in my chest and tickling in my stomach, making me blush. "I'm sorry," a sad glistening in his eyes, "I'm so sorry, Judy." This was the biggest bouquet of roses I had ever seen, the lovely smell lightening my mood a little. "I didn't mean what I said," he looked down to avoid my gaze, "You're the best girlfriend I could hope for." My heart melted, seeing him like this. "I don't want this to end," his cheeks reddened a little, "so I got you a rose for every year I still want us to be together." I felt tears pricking behind my eyes. I knew he cared about me. I knew he loved me. I knew he never meant to hurt me. "Niall," I stepped outside into the cold morning air, "How many are there?" "A hundred-and-fifty," he chewed his lip, glassy eyes looking up to me. I chuckled reaching up to cup his cheek, "You're so cute." I stood on my tip-toes as I pressed my lips to his, the tickling in my stomach going into overdrive. "Ah-Ouch," he ripped his lips from mine, dropping the roses to the floor. "A thorn pricked me," he whined with a finger popped in his mouth. I burst into laughter, "Come here, silly, I'll get you a band aid."

I sat him down on a kitchen chair and pulled the first aid box from the drawer. He held out his finger for me, making a silly sad face. I chuckled when I put the Disney band aid on his finger, "big baby." He pulled me up onto his lap, "but you take such good care of me." He nuzzled my neck, his warm breath making me shiver. "I'm really sorry, babe," he whispered softly against my skin and I leaned into his touch, "I'll have them take that article down, don't worry." I smiled as I shifted my position on his lap, straddling him with one leg on either side of his hips. "I know you are, baby," I leaned my forehead against his, "I'm sorry too. Let's not fight anymore, ok?" He grinned devilishly, hand playing with the knot of my bathrobe, "I agree, let's make more love." I slapped his chest playfully, but pulled him in for a kiss anyway. He was eager, I could tell, deepening the kiss immediately, his tongue dominating mine easily. His fingers fumbled with the knot of my wardrobe, pulling at it until it untied. He broke the kiss to slide open the robe and expose my naked breasts to him. He leaned down, resting his head between them, his hair tickling my chest. "Let's stay like this all day," his voice came out muffled, snaking his hands around my waist. "Not fair," I protested, tugging at the hem of his shirt. "Alright, alright," he pulled back and lifted his shirt over his head. I smiled, tracing a finger over the faint outlines of his abs, his muscles contracting under my touch. I played with the hairs just above the waistline of his jeans. I stole a playful glance at him. His pupils were blown wide, cheeks flushed, "Judy, please, don't tease." He was getting desperate. "Ok, I won't then," withdrawing my hands from him and crossing my arms in front of my chest. He groaned, obviously disagreeing with my move, and thrust up against me, rubbing his clothed erection against my crotch. I whimpered, the friction was exactly what I needed. "You're such a tease," he whispered, pulling me in to crash our lips together.

The kiss was hungry, his hands roaming my body, finally coming to rest on my bum, squeezing lightly. I moaned into the kiss. I wanted to get on on with it already, my hands traveling to the button of his jeans. I struggled to push his jeans and boxers down just enough to let his erection spring free. My hand found his shaft, moving slowly up and down. He broke the kiss to hiss silently. Our foreheads rested together while I studied his face. He looked so cute like this. Cheeks were flushed and brows knitted slightly with every move of my hand. His lips looked deliciously red, parted a little and glistening subtly. Suddenly his eyes shot open to meet mine, thoroughly dark, "Ok, enough."

He grabbed me and lifted me up, only to set me down again on the kitchen table. He peeled my panties down my legs, bathrobe already forgotten on the floor. He stood in between my spread knees, running a finger through my folds. "Already so wet for me," he groaned, pressing kisses to my neck. With one swift movement he pushed himself deep into me. I gasped at the sudden intrusion, the angle just right. I grabbed onto his shoulders, holding on tight while he thrust into me at a fast pace. "Niall," I breathed. Hearing his name on my lips made him pound even harder, the table legs squeaking on the kitchen floor. "Fuck," I muttered, throwing my head back and pressing my chest against his, "I'm close." Niall groaned at my words, "Fuck, Judy, you feel so good." I whimpered, feeling the familiar heat spread in my stomach, "Coming!" I collapsed around him, waves of pleasure riding through my body, moaning his name over and over again. Niall groaned lowly, stilling his hips, his cock pulsing and spilling his load into me. We stayed like that for a while, trying to catch our breath. He cupped my face, pressing a kiss to my parted lips, "I love you, babe."


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