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Summer POV

Hi my name is Summer Alsina. I'm 16 years old and live in LA. My boyfriend is Brandon, yasss the B.Smyth. My friends call me Summerella sometimes and tbh I never knew why but I just go with it. I live with my mom,Josiline and my step dad Stevie J. My real dad is Anthony Alsina. August Alsina is my brother while Travis and Jamal La'Branch are my step brothers because my dad has a wife,they are all 1 year apart but August is the baby at 19,Travis is the oldest at 21 and Jamal is the middle child at 20 making me the only girl and youngest of the kids. You could say I have a very mixed in family but we all get along including the parents in this situation but there is also Chandra. She is the mother of Chaylin,Amya,and Kayden. They are all Melvin's kids but sadly Mel died leaving the three girls without a father but at least they met him before he passed. August left when he was 17 to allow his music career to thrive,yep he dropped out of school but it was for a pretty damn good reason so our parents understood. I'm bout to go to sleep so bye!

August POV

Wussup my niggas and bitches of the world!!! You already know who you rocking with but lemme tell ya bout my past life and a Lil bout my family. I have a house in ATL while the rest of my fam is in LA. I'm 19 and dropped out of school at the age of 17 to pursue my music career. My mom and dad didn't really care cuz they knew I might not have a education but at least I would make it some where in life. I have a Lil sister,named Summer,she 16 and my mom says ever since I left she been acting strange but I didn't think much of it cuz she prolly just missing a nigga,I mean who wouldn't? My other siblings are Melvin,Travis, Jamal and my sisters in law Chandra who is the proud mother of 3 of my nieces and Tina the mother of the last of my nieces hopefully. I myself don't really think I'm ready for kids of my own cuz being the nigga I am, bitches gonna be wanting that child support if a nigga don't stay with her ass and they be doing that just to make sure you stay in a relationship with em' and that's some shit a nigga like me just can't do. I have been known to not keep a stable relationship but I've been in a committed relationship with this girl named Drew for bout 1 year and 4 months now so you know a nigga getting there. But me and Drew bout to go watch TV so I'm out this bitch!

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